Today is February 10, 2013 and the first day of the Chinese New Year! And this year, it is the Year of the Ssssssnake! And how wonderful that Pip and Puddles came to visit on this special day!
Our friend,
Pip, hasn't been feeling very well lately, but instead of sitting around at home, he has decided to go on a Bucket World Tour with
Nurse Puddles. We heard about Puddles and her amazing driving skills and were most impressed at how she managed to *drive* all the way from the
Molly's place in London to Malaysia through mountains, oceans and everything else!
*BEEP BEEP* We're here, Furries of Whisppy! |
Whisky : Uh, Puddles, be careful up there! You don't want to break the Boat of Prosperity! |
Puddles : HEY. Maybe we could go home in this fishing boat?
Pip : That's not a bad idea. We could do a spot of fishing on the way! |
Pip : Uh, I'm not sure if this was such a good idea after all...Mr Lion doesn't look very happy |
Puddles : Will ya hurry up and take the picture? Mr Lion's getting testy! |
* S M I L E *
Pip : Aren't these orchids beautiful? I wanted to bring some home for my Assistant but decided a photo would probably last longer. Oh, and that's Puddles by my side in case you were wondering. She grabbed a baby lion on the way here.. |
Whisky : OMD Puddles! They are on to us. Drop that baby lion and RUN! |
Whisky : We enjoyed your company very much! The two red packets are called "ang pows" and they contain some money for you to use as you please. And Mommy made a fresh batch of chicken jerky for you to snack on your way home! |
PS / Tutu asks if you notice anything new on our header. ;)
PPS / Katie, Boomie is on his way to pick you up. Mommy has a yummy meal prepared for our CNY dinner!