Stinky : I'm all better now. LET ME OUT! I know you are feeling better from all your mewing but you can't go until you stop sneezing. I don't want you to spread your germs to the neighborhood cats. It's bad enough that your germs made Ling and Tutu sick and everyone has to be quarantined from each other |
Stinky : I made my friends sick? Oh. I'm so sorry, Ling and Tutu. I didn't mean for that to happen |
Boomer : I get to be downstairs, all on my own. I'm so bored. I miss Tutu |
Cosmo : I'm in Mommy's office and I get the chair all to myself though I do miss my sisfur, Ling |
Tutu : I hate being sick though it's kinda nice to have Mommy and Daddy fuss over me. PLUS I get to sleep with them on the bed every night (Daddy usually doesn't allow us on the bed but now he just lets me sleep wherever I want, even on HIS side of the bed) |
Ling : Well, lucky Tutu gets the bedroom while I am stuck the bathroom. Hrrummpf That's because you'll make a huge fuss to get out and no one will get any sleep. We still fuss over you, right? |
Whisky : I have a QUESTION for you! So we have Ling and Tutu sick at the moment and both have lost their appetite. Who do you think is the good patient and who's the bad patient? Take a minute to think about it then scroll down for the answer.... |
We found that if we left the plate on the floor, Tutu would struggle to eat due to the congestion. So we hold the plate up for her and she is able to eat better |
Her appetite isn't great, but she does make an effort to eat on her own |
And then we have Ling. :) She'll be sleeping but as soon as we open the door with her food, she does this. We don't think it's because she can't wait to eat, but rather as a sign of disgust because we have to force feed her (she refuses to eat on her own) |
And this is AFTER being force fed. Sigh Did you guess right? |
Ling and Tutu are on antibiotics (both had fever) and Lysine (they caught a cold). I am guessing they should make a full recovery by this weekend. Until then, everyone will continue to be quarantined to ensure the situation remains under control. Cosmo, Meow-Me, Coco, Felix and Boomer are all alright.
Stinky the stray will be released once he stops sneezing, possibly in another day or two.
We're sorry for being scarce the last few days but it's really stressful at the moment. We'll come by to visit as soon as we can!
In the meantime, if you have purrs to spare, we'll appreciate if you could send them over! :)