Mommy here, to give everyone an update on Whisky.
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Whisky resting at home after the Echocardiogram |
However, her vet was very concerned about the murmur and suggested that we brought her to the Specialist to have an Echocardiogram done. The Echo revealed a tear in a valve in her heart (it's called a ruptured chordae tendinae) which may tear off completely at any time. Surgery is the only option. But even so, only ONE vet does this surgery and is done at a neighboring country. The stress of travelling and being in unfamiliar surroundings and people will do Whisky a lot of harm and she may not even survive the trip (if by plane, she has to be in cargo. If by car, it would take up to 5 hours of travelling). The surgery is also not a guarantee fix as the problem may come back.
After much discussion, we have decided that the best option would be to let Whisky be home, surrounded by her family and lots of love. It has been extremely difficult for me to try to stay strong for Whisky. I had posted updates on my Facebook and received a lot of very kind and meaningful messages. The one that made so much sense was the one from Isabella and Angel's Mommy, Sharla. She had said, and I quote her entire comment, "I did the same thing with Sadie and was told by a wonderful blog friend to remember that she didn't know her diagnosis but she knew I was upset. It is the hardest thing in the world to be strong at a time like this but enjoy every moment and try to let her see your happy Mommy side like always so it's normal for her. Tell her we all love her!". Thank you, Sharla, for sharing that comment with me.
Whisky is currently on some heart medications to help her stay comfortable. I do not know how long we have left, but I am grateful we have had at least 14 happy years together. She is and always will be my heart dog. I love my Whisky so much.
We would most definitely appreciate all the love and good thoughts, purrs and woofs you could send for Whisky to stay comfortable. Of utmost importance to us, is her quality of life. We will keep going until she tells us it's time for her to join her BBF (Best Bunny Friend), Looppy at the Rainbow Bridge.
I will try to post updates whenever possible but my priority now is to spend whatever time we have left with Whisky. I am sure you understand. xoxo
...Mommy Cathy