Thursday, April 7, 2011

We Are BACK!


We have tried EVERYTHING to make Mummy update our blog but she kept telling us "later" as she claimed she was "busy". Yeah, right. Anyway, here are some quick updates on us since the last posting (back in December 2010!).  Now that we got Mummy back on track, we hope we can get her to STAY on track!  Wish us luck.....

Whisky looking smug after wiping her face on the sofa, much to her daddy's disgust.  Hee hee hee.

Cosmo enjoying a roll on the big pillow

Ling is still trying to capture Da Bird

Remember Meow-Me and her kittens? Well, the female kitten is now called Coco while her brother is Felix. Everyone has been vaccinated and dewormed and Meow-Me spayed. The little family is still with us while waiting to be adopted.

From L to R : Felix, Coco, Meow-Me
Mummy : I have no good reason for not updating the furries blog for so long and for that, I am truly sorry....


Hannah and Lucy said...

We imagine you have been giving your mummy the back of disrespect while you were waiting for your bloggie to be updated. Our mum is always "busy" - we never know what with there's only the two of us to be waited on!!
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Welcome back!!! Hey, we've been missing you but y'all are looking good!

Admiral Hestorb said...

SO good to hear from you again and know how the family, fur and human, are doing. :-))))


Ingrid said...

Love the picture of Ling stretching on the bed and the little cat family looks so cute !
Have you been away for such a long time. I have to say time flies by so quickly !
Kim's fur is hopeless even freshly groomed she looks again like a mop !

Annie Bear said...

Great to see you all again! Mama has been so bad with my blog too with the same claim of business. We were wondering about Meow-Me and her kittens. It was so nice to see them too!

Ellen Whyte said...

Those cats are looking GREAT! Let's hope they find a great home soon.

BeadedTail said...

We're glad you are back! You all look great! We hope the little family finds a furever home soon!

Katnip Lounge said...

How wonderful to see you all again!
Do you think you might be a 5 cat family soon?
heh heh.

Paul said...

:) Good to see mummy back and about. Love you all!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Efurrybuddy looks so sweet! xoxox

Mr Puddy said...

I just stop by to say " Happy Easter " : )


Admiral Hestorb said...

Hope to see you soon. xoxox

Oskar said...

It's glad to see you back!

Nubbin wiggles,