Tutu : You have 2 seconds to move because I'm BIG and I'm TALL and I HAVE CLAWS! |
Run, little doggy, RUN! |
Boomer : Hey little kiddo, what you did to Whisky was just plain RUDE |
Boomer : Now, you listen to me carefully. We treat Whisky with love and respect. Got it? Tutu : Oh, quit your nagging. Pfffftttttt! |
Boomer : Why, you...insolent little brat! Take that! Tutu : Aiyeeeeeeee! |
Boomer : Now go say sorry to Whisky Tutu : NO! NEVER!!! |
Boomer : I mean it. Go apologize Tutu : Go on....MAKE ME. I *dare* you |
Mommy here :
Bernie and Tutu will go for their follow up with the vet on Thursday (just ONE more day!). Bernie, to get the stitches off and Tutu to get an x-ray done to make sure her bones are fine.
Bernie is doing very well, and his incision site is healing fine. His attitude remains positive and he hops around easily. :)
Tutu is also doing extremely well and is allowed out more often to run and burn off all those excess kitten energy (LOTS of it!). She now plays with Boomer and he is more than happy to oblige.
Whisky is used to the cats and their ways, and wasn't harmed by Tutu in anyway. :)