Tutu here : First of all, we would like to thank
Oui Oui and her Mommy for teaching us how to
cartoonize ourselves. Oui Oui's Mommy cartoonized Bernie and MommyCat did me!
The vet visit on Thursday went very well. The vet tech whisked me to get an x-ray done and my fracture has healed and my bones are looking great! Yeay!! Now I get to run around all day and follow MommyCat everywhere.
Tutu : How do I look? |
A funny feeling has come over me..... Tutu's first experience with a silvervine leaf |
I can't stop rolling around |
Help! My world has turned upside down! |
Bernie here : My stitches were finally removed on Thursday and everything looks great! I'm adapting very well as a tripod bunny and I'm so happy the awful collar is finally off.....at last!
Bernie : Didn't Oui Oui's Mommy do a good job? My Mommy added the beach balls |
The stitches are OUT, OUT OUT! Yeahhhhhh! |
Itchy ears...itchy ears...dang it, I'm scratching and scratching but why isn't the itch going away? This is where I come in and help.... |
Thank you for everyone's good wishes. I'm doing very well! |
Tutu and Bernie are now back in good health and we are so grateful for all the good wishes, purrs, woofs and prayers from everyone. Thank you so much!
Lovely babies!
Great news
Great news and awesome cartoons!
Great news on Tutu and Bernie , so very pleased , you must be so happy.
Best wishes Molly
Oh those two precious babies. That looks exactly like Tutu! What a beautiful likeness of her gorgeous sef and Bernie..you look like a million bucks and I know you feel like a million too, sweet boy.
xoxoxoxox to you both and to all of you.
Terrific Tutu and beautiful Bernie!! Me and Charlie are so happy to read you are both doing great!! This is brilliant news! Yay! Awww!! Oh and we love love love your cartoon versions too! Take care
This is such wonderful news we are so delighted to hear!
We're so glad your vet visit went well for both of you. Tutu...are you old enough to have that silvervine?? ;)
I am so glad Tutu and Bernie are doing better, that makes me smile! The cartoon Tutu is terrificz,
So glad they're doing well!
And I love the avatars!
We're happy to hear the good news! The cartoonized versions of you both are very cute but you're much cuter in real life! :)
Fur-ray! Glad to hear u are a-ok now Bernie and tutu
Oh Tutu & Bernie we sooooo Happy you both are Better ^.,^ And we jus LUV your avitarz :)))))))
Have a Wonderful weekend~
Purrz & Kissiez
Yay! Tutu and Bernie are looking great! What sweethearts!
Some glad news for both of you to have good reports back from the vet. Yay you are looking very cute in with the new avatars
That's great news!
....and we LOVE your catoons and buntoons!!!
; ) Katie & Glogirly
Both of you are so cute as cartoon, I like your rolling around that's even more cute. Bernie needs an ear scratcher ! Must be hard to live on 3 legs when an ear is itching !
What great toonies of you two! :D So glad to hear all are feelin so much better! YAY! :D
Waggin at ya,
We are so pleased that Tutu and Bernie are both better. Great avatars.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Tutu & Bernie, so glad that everything turns out well!.
oh Tutu, you are adorable cartoonized and in RL.. so fun to watch you enjoy the silvervine.
and yea for Bernie!! Sorry about the ear itchies, but you do have a good momma for that.
These illustrations are wonderful! I'm glad Tutu is doing so well and Bernie too! Poor Bernie with ear itchies. You're so good to scratch them for him. I'm so glad he's doing so well. He's such a sweetheart.
We is THRILLED at the good news about Tutu and Bernie!
But, awww, Boomie, Pal, you're just sooooo jealous, aren't you?? Ha ha ha meow!!
Oh Whooooo Hooooo, everyone is all right for now. That is such great news. If only you didn't live so far away Bernie, we would be right over to help scratch those ears. Maybe Mom can rig up something for you to scratch your ears on. TuTu your avatar is just purrfect as you are. You are too cute. Again, good thing you live a long ways away, we might have to steal you. Take care.
Bernie, so glad the collar's gone and you're on the mend and Tutu, you are too-too cute in your cartoon version :)xx
Tom xx
that is catabulous news!!! YAY!!!!
OMC Tutu your avatar is adorable! It's almost as cute as you!!
We are so glad that Bernie is adjusting well also. Great news!
Oh Tutu and Bernie, I am so happy the vet visit went so well!!
Yay for Tutu for the first silvervine :-) She looks so cute and funny rolling around. And so glad Bernie is doing good! They both look cute as cartoon, too!!
Yous know, sometimes it is good that Mommy has been neglecting my blogging duties, me reads about the upcoming visit and the post visit in the same day!
Glad you're doing better now!
thats great news and i love the cartoon versions of you!!
YAYYY I'm so glad the trip to the vet was a positive one!!! Love that cute cartoon of you too, Tutu :o) xo
Hello Bernie and Tutu!
We are glad to know what you are all up and healing! I hope it gets better than ever after this.
By the way, I gave your mommy the Sunshine Award at this post http://www.mydogslove.me/2012/06/awards-sunday.html
Huggies and Cheese,
We love what you did with the cartoons. We weren't sure how to treat Bernie's missing leg. We also awarded Tutu an award of her very own, so stop by our place when you have a moment. Sometimes, Cats Herd have some awesome avatars complete with kinked tails for you at http://catsherdyou.com/
Such good news. and love the cartonizing....How fun is that
Ohhhh, Boomie. You are pushing your luck, my Malaysian furiend! I guess you think these thousands of miles of ocean between us will protect you from The Wrath of the Spittola, but don't forget: I have a double-length tunnelporter, and it will get me over there just when you LEAST eggspect it!
I LOVE good news :)
Awesome news, Tutu and Bernie!!
We have never tried silverine, but we can tell by the look on your face that it must be heaven!!
I may have missed the post but is Tutu a permanent member of the Whisppy Furries?
We are so happy that Tutu and Bernie are all better! We LOVE those avatars (almost as much as we love you both). :)
Oh, so Boomie, you think you can win Katie's heart with snacks?
So happy all went well and everybody is back in good health!!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys so much!!! Thanks for you visit!!!
I sleep excellently well, my furiend! Not a worry in the world! You?
We jus popped in to say "Mieow" you guyz & we luvz you ^.,^
Purrz~ ♥♥xoxo♥♥
Lovely and adorable Cathy, I am so happy Tutu is entirely recuperated. Will you keep her or you are still looking for new parents? I am sure she'll prefer staying with you :).
Bookie, there may be a pawty at my house over the weekend...just saying'....
Dear Whisppys and Mommy
Me and my hairy slobbery sister Bob wants to thanks yous for your kind words. Bob is a little worried abouts the operation but she says she has not been able to sees out of that eye for awhile. She will be happy when the headaches is gone. She is overwhelmed by all the good wishes and wants yous to knows how much she appreciates it!
Hurray for Tutu and Bernie! So glad they are both feeling well.
Your pal, Pip
Boomie, Pal: Are you sick or sumfing? Because you didn't TORMENT me today? Or are you trying to lull me into a false sense of complacency?
Bommie mommy...feel better TODAY! I the Tuxie command it to be so.
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