Monday, September 17, 2012

Felix Reviews The New Hammock

This is the last of the purchased hammocks and fearing for it's life (the buckles might snap at anytime),  I decided to purchase the fleece material and buckles and my Mom helped with the sewing
Ta-da! The finished product (it is the exact same measurement as the purchased hammock)
Felix tests it out
What do you think of it, Felix?
Felix : Why do I have this *SINKING* feeling?
Felix : Mommy, I think I'm about to fall out of this hammock...
Felix vacated the hammock shortly after this photo was taken and no cat was really interested to sit in it
And the verdict would be, beautiful sewing with solid buckles but wrong material. So, my question would be, what would be right type of material to use? It would seem that "fleece" is the material of choice when it comes to making hammocks for pets. Why is that? And what would be the right type of fleece to choose?


Cat-from-Sydney said...

I wanna one too! har har har *evil laughs*

Mollie said...

Oh Felix's face is priceless. We are no good at sewing but it needs to be What about some straps going underneath to give it more support? You know, material straps. Oh you have 3 paw tokens... game coming again this week :) xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie

Old Kitty said...

It's a very pretty hammock and it looks ever so snug!!

Me and Charlie hope you find the right fleece/material - it does look lovely! Take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

Yes, I love the expression on Felix's face!

If you have sewing instructions, best fabric, etc., would you post them or email them (keas DOT fuzzy DOT tales AT gmail DOT com). I can't sew for beans, but my mom loves to sew. :-)

Finn said...

It looks like a great idea! Hope you can work out the fabric details!

Sandra said...

You should use less elastic material, like pure cotton or a very firm fleece.

CATachresis said...

LOLOL Felix is priceless!! Yes I think less stretchy material, but it looks very well made! :)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh dear Felix are you getting that sinking feeling? Where will you end up?
Could you fix the lovely fleece onto a firm material (maybe cotton or similar) and hang it fluffy side up and hopefully the other material will stop that "sinking feeling"
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Unknown said...

Great idea. We like the look of that. Have a wonderful Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Brian's Home Blog said...

I don't think you would fall Felix, but it is really very pretty!

Mariodacat said...

What a great idea. Just a little fine tuning and you'll have it. I'm not a sewer, so have no suggestions, but I like the idea.

Katie Isabella said...

A firm canvas like or twill material BUT it would need a heavy duty needle.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We say throw a blankie in it and it will be great. Or a piece of that fluffy sheepskin stuff. (fake) Mebbe just rub it wif sum nip. It looks great!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's a nice bed ! I think my cats would love it !

Annie Bear said...

We laughed out loud at Felix's sinking picture. You and your mom did a lovely job. I have no idea what to suggest but it's true that kitties love fleece. Looks like you got some good suggestions from some others. It's so great to see you guys again. I love that top pic!

Random Felines said...

yikes.....we don't think we would be using that either.....

Marg said...

Oh Felix, you gave our Mom a really good laugh this morning. Too funny. Hannah and Lucy's idea sounds good to us if you can figure our a way to put two fabrics together. Write to Merceda ( makes the ham-micks) see what she
Maybe there is a stronger fleece or if there was a way to put the hooks that hold it up further apart. I don't know, why am I trying to tell you. LOL.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

since I can't sew worth a darn I can't help. To show how pitiful I am, I thought it looked great til the photo where it caved in lol

Dachshund Nola said...

Furry cool! I want one

Little Miss Titch said...

looks comfy

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

That fleese is just super stretchy, you need to make the hammock smaller to allow for stretching without giving the bottomless feel. Try removing about 3 inches from each corner and reattaching the hooks? Oh, and maybe wash it so it doesnt smell like sizing and other store and manufacture smells? rub some catnip on it, MOL, it'll be irrestible!
I think it's an adorable hammock!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

fleece.. I am a terrible speller...
I was thinking about some of the fleece I've bought in the past, and the predone stuff is always more sturdy and less stretchy than the by the yard stuff.. I have no idea why that is. I read the other comments and I like the idea of lining a sturdier fabric with fleece too, but you still need some give.. so if you do that, put the other material, cotton, flannel, whatever, on a bias maybe. Anyway, those are my thoughts!

Cat said...

The hammock looks great, but I guess a sturdier material is needed!

Katnip Lounge said...

I thought about using a stiffer woven fabric and attaching a fleece liner with velcro--that way you could take the fleece off and wash it.

The Florida Furkids said...

OMC Felix! You really did have a "sinking" feeling didn't you?

The Florida Furkids

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Felix you just look soo cute in the picture : Why do I have this "sinking" feeling *MOL*
Sorry can´t give you any suggestions on wich fabric to use :(

BeadedTail said...

Oh this is too funny! We're sorry it stretched so much for you Felix but you made us laugh so hard! We hope you can find the right fabric!

Murray's Mouth said...

That is so cute!

Pretinha said...

Felix is really cool in your network who knows if you sided with another fabric that does not stretch. Anyway was very beautiful.


What a great idea.
We would have thought fleece was the right fabric too.

✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

The Island Cats said...

Haha! Felix, that look is priceless!! We thought you were gonna end up on the bottom!!

Tamago said...

Hahaha, I love Felix's face expression! It looks very comfy hammock to me, but kitties don't like the sinking feeling?

Oui Oui said...

Durable fleece! (Can you tell our mom doesn't sew?) The undersides of our beds looked like that when Oui Oui tore the under lining and climbed inside. Then the rest followed her.

meowmeowmans said...

The ones at our shelter were made from fleece, I think. I will ask!

Gigi said...

My Human is laughing so hard she can barely type. We know you worked hard on it and we should not be laughing, but seriously--ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha --we can't help it. Those pictures are HILARIOUS! Kinda wish it was Boomie though!

haopee said...

LoL. Sorry about the failed hammock. You're in Malaysia right? We have this clothing in the Philippines that's been used to create baby hammocks for infant. I forgot the name but it's like a checkered clothing that's very cool and sturdy. It's not flannel. Maybe you're familiar with it. Here's a stock photo of it.,-Cambodia.%7C14787.jpg

Huggies and Cheese,


Fr. Tom Fish said...

Fleece being so soft and comfortable would have been our first thought, too. I like Trish's idea of a removable top to wash. It seems we're always cleaning cat hair from everywhere..:) Good luck!


Lívia Fernanda (I/O Gatos) said...

Yeah, this fleece seems to be a little bit elastic. But Felix loved it! This is a very creative and well done cat hammock!

Remington said...

Awesome! I think I need one of those!

Petronela said...

I still believe it was a lovely idea..I am sure my kitties would love a hammock. Tutu didn't even try it?

Kat said...

What a nice hammock! We want one,too!

Gigi said...

Well, Boomie, I wouldn't get *too* oberconfident if I were you. Did you read Katie's comment on my blog today??? Heh heh.

yuki and rocket said...

what a creative idea! I wonder if our mom would put a hammock in our kennel?

yuki and rocket

Purrfect Haven said...

that hammock is amazing!.. but once inside is there any escape?
Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

Smile With Your Tail said...

Do they do plus sizes?! Bol!

P.S thanks for sharing Whiskeys experiences with's nice to know the meds work!!


Anonymous said...

Very cool! Looks a bit like the Cat Cradle I reviewed - which of course the cats loved!

Hope all is good with you and your fur kids! :)

The Creek Cats said...

Thanks for stopping by and letting us know about your fun group play activities! The Kitty Kopter!?!? We have so got to check into getting one of those!!

The Daily Pip said...

I had no idea fleece would sink like that! I don't know much about fabric so can't make any suggestions.

Your pal, Pip

A Tonk's Tail said...

MOL! Um, felix, you need to go on a diet or something? (just kiding!)