Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dona Nobis Pacem

Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace)

Picture of PEACE
Boomer and Coco are not best friends but they accept that they are who they are and respect each other's space. And so there is peace
This is our first time participating in the Blog Blast for Peace and Mommy has no idea how to decorate our globe with our beautiful selves. But since we wanted to participate, she decided to put up a picture of us instead. Hope that's okay!

Peace is not about loving everyone. It's not about making everyone have the same values and believes as ourselves. Peace is about accepting and respecting that other living beings have a right to live (humans and animals) and believe in what they want. If this can be achieved, then no one will want to hurt each other and then there will be world peace. Sounds so simple....yet so difficult.  :)


Fuzzy Tales said...

We think that's just purrfect.

Our human can't PhotoShop, so had to do a little collage.

You can do whatever you want, the important thing is to join and purr for peace, today and every day. :-)

Marg said...

We agree, that is just perfect. The important thing is just to blog for Peace. We wish all of you some Peace for sure.
Tell Mom that I promise to send an email about putting the video on. She is such a slow poke.
Have a great day. Good to see you again.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Outstanding picture!!!

Mariodacat said...

We think your post is lovely - just lovely. May you all be peaceful today and always.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Your picture is lovely..I also wish that one day very soon we have a world that is peaceful. Hugs GJ x

Unknown said...

Peace to all. Have a super Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Brian's Home Blog said...

Peaceful and purrfect fur sure! Here's to Peace for all species, today and every single day!

The Island Cats said...

If the humans would be more like us cats, there would be peace in the world!

brokenteepee said...

It is perfect. We did not know what to do on our first one either. We had a sit in for Peace then.

A Tonl said...

Purring for peace in the world among all mankind and toward animals!

Little Miss Titch said...

Speedy's forth hoppy bunny dance for peace,xx Speedy

Purrfect Haven said...

we are with you on this. Great shots! Peace lives!! love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

meowmeowmans said...

We love it! Thank you for participating!

Wishing you peace today, and every day!

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to do! What a great idea for today!

Lívia Fernanda said...

There's nothing better than cats to wish for world peace. Is just look at these adorable creatures and our heart becomes full of love!! But after know the story about Coco and Boomer we realize that the possibility of peace is much easier! Unfortunately it's hard to humans comprehend this!!

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

That's a lovely post! And I think your picture speaks a thousand words... or jut one: peace!
Purrs to you

Mollie said...

Peace to everyone and what a fab job you did on the banner. Have a great Sunday guy's. xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

CATachresis said...

Great post and lovely sentiment :) Think we didn't quite get it mol xx

Berts Blog said...

Boomer and Coco are great examples of what peace is about.
Wonderful Post for Peace

Annelisa said...

couldn't be more purrfect! Love the flowers in the pic too :-) Peace to you and yours!

(A link to your post will be on "Peace Bloggers Unite" later)

Unknown said...

Your peaceful post is purrfect! We sends yous lots of peaceful purrs and wish yous an easy day!

Murray's Mouth said...

That is great.

Kat said...

Great peace post! Love it :)

Dachshund Nola said...

Well said!

Gigi said...

I think maybe we kittehs might do a better job than the Humans. I mean, Boomie and I haven't ripped each other's ears off yet, right?

Cat Tee Mission said...

LOVING all these peace blog posts! Beautiful!
Love and peace to all xo

Clooney said...

Wonderful peace post, love it! Have a great week everyone!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

if more of us practiced what you suggest, the world would be a MUCH better place!

Mimi Lenox said...

Welcome to the peace globe movement. We are so happy to see you here. Love the picture of the two of you and the simple truth about getting along. Wish the whole world could do the same.

One person at a time. One heart at a time. Takes a long time. But we start and we try. That is all we can do...Thank you for speaking peace with us today all over the planet.


Remington said...

Great post, my friends!

Tamago said...

You are so right, it's about accepting and respecting. Peace to you.

Travis Cody said...

It's the message that counts, and your message is spot on. Welcome to the movement!

Peace to you and yours.

Marilia said...

Peace is everithinG!

Pretinha said...

Peace is what we all want, between humans, between our animals and between animals and humans, we will work for peace.

Katie Isabella said...

I see my Boomie...and Coco too. But my eyes are just for Boomie. xoxoxoxox

Gigi said...

You kids sure looks comfertabuls in your catio/hammick. Where's Tutu--off causing trouble somewhere, we imagine?

Gattina said...

It's a very nice globe and the most important thing is that you participate ! My globe is on Writer Cramps.

GLOGIRLY said...

We think your peace photo is absolutely perfect. And we think your words are too.
Peace to you sweet friends,
Katie & Glogirly

Anonymous said...

your peace photo is purrfect! you guys are great role models, paw pats, Savannah

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Very good written !
Love and Peace <3

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

We so Glad dere iz Peace in da Land ..... ^.,^

How Adorable Coco lookz chillaxin in da hammock ^.,^ and what a Good boy Boomer iz :))

Yes, another storm on da way :((, we are getting a little weary wif all dis ^..^ now they say it will go a little more out to sea, but we still going to get winds (not quite az high) but with trees taking so much stress ofur da past year, they can come down at any time :o , and we heard da s wurd.... Snow! :\ so..... we purraying too....

az fur da fishiez, az long az it iz not below freezing and their water doezn't freeze ofur we ok.... We thinkz we in fur a lonnnnngggg Winter ^..^

♥♥♥xoxoxo♥♥ ^..^ x6 +1 :)

The Daily Pip said...

What a lovely post ...we love your definition of peace and think you said it perfectly.

Your pal, Pip

Katie Isabella said...

Boomie, I thought you were coming over last night. Did your tunnel mess up?


haopee said...

Peace be with you... I see the hammock is in the cat-iary! LOL. Just too cute!!!

By the way guys, I was hoping to send you a Christmas postcard, if you're interested, please email me through the contact form.

Huggies and Cheese,


yuki and rocket said...

wow, you kitties have the coolest play spaces!


yuki and rocket

Gigi said...

Hi efurryone! Hope you are all having a peaceful, easy week. Especially Tutu XOXOXO

Petronela said...

What a lovely message...congrats to you and all your beautiful pets for creating this amazing blog. I do find a lot of peace each time I visit you. Kisses.