Monday, January 14, 2013

A Mystery

Tutu : This is a strange looking litter box that the humans use
:: takes a closer look ::
Tutu : Ewwww! It's filled with water!
Tutu : They stand in the water? How do they fit in here? It's a tight fit even for me!
Tutu : And how do they bury the *stuff*?
Tutu : I just don't get it...
...and it troubles me...
Tutu : Does anykitty have the answer to this mystery?


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Tutu, they do this..

(don't worry, rated G)

Fuzzy Tales said...

Mystery indeed! We can't help, because the lids on mom's litter boxes are always closed...except when she's on one. LOL.

Unknown said...

Tutu you don't want to know. Be careful you don't fall in pal. Have a magnificent Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Angel Simba said...

Oh, my, this is so funny! Love the expression on Tutu's face.

The Florida Furkids said...

We think the human litter box is very strange. We have to be careful because the lid on ours "floats" down and we could get caught!

The Florida Furkids

Old Kitty said...

Lovely Tutu!! Some mysteries are best kept unknown! LOL!! Take care

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Tutu!!! Don't go in there. There's a monster underneath that water. Serious! Run!!! purrrr....meow!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

The truth is it is a fabulous drinking fountain and splash pool! We love to do this and have one whole bathroom devoted to us.

Remington said...

BE CAREFUL! You DO NOT want to fall in there....YUCK!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mum never lets us look in her litter box Tutu.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Humans are not as neat as we are so they need lots of water to....clean up!

Random Felines said...

people are weird....and be careful not to fall in!

BeadedTail said...

Tutu, you notice everything don't you! We're glad you didn't fall in!

brokenteepee said...

Tutu - you are far more behaved than Sherpa the Farm cat! He DRINKS from the human's litter box and he keeps throwing his toys in it!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

tutu...if ewe haza fishin pole N sum werms yur all set !!! we hurd if ya hit that handle thing 45 times, then ya will be fishin for trout....37 times N yur fishin for mackeral


Dachshund Nola said...

It's all so confusing!

My Mind's Eye said...

OMCs Tutu.....
I am in awe of your very intense and thorough investigation. I don't have an answer to your question either.
I sit on ours a lot but I never knew there was water in it. I hope and purr I don't fall in 'cause I don't like getting wet.
Hugs Madi

Little Miss Titch said...

Tutu you don't want to know ! Trust me!

Mariodacat said...

ha ha - just don't fall in or you'll go down a long hole - worse that Alice in Wonderland!

Annie Bear said...

Tutu, MOL, you do look truly troubled. You may be even more troubled if you knew the truth. When you get older, we'll tell you and then you'll no longer be innocent and carefree.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

We stay clear of the peep litter box. Firstly, it's not a box. Secondly, there's no litter. Thirdly, it's just plain ol' weird. purrs

Katie Isabella said...

OMC OMC Tutu, you just won't do, you darling girl! I'm with you though...I can't figure it out either but let me tell you---your face is THE singlemost expressive (and gorgeous) face mom and I have ever seen.

MY mom keeps the box closed so I don't fall in but I will hop in my tunnel and go there and you and I will explore together. Look for me about 2200 hrs.

Come see the Awardie I gave you.

Unknown said...

Your kitties are so adorable. Tutu looks like my Astrid. Can't believe your kids haven't figured out that this is just a giant cat/dog bowl. I'm always a little miffed at mine when I sit down and some fur ball has left wet paw prints on the seat. Hope you'll visit my 8 kitty kids at I'll be back to see what your kitties are up to.

Marg said...

Oh Tutu, that is a huge mystery that we can't figure out either. Mom won't let us peek in. But good for you to explore that darn thing. If you figure it out, let us know. You are looking good by the way. Take care.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Tutu , you better watch out so you don´t fall into the water like I did when I was small :)


YOU made our Momma's day.
She laughed and laughed and laughed when she saw your mystery!

A Tonl said...

*shakes head* Tutu, you do look SERIOUSLY troubled.

And yanno what? Somekitty from Allie's Alma Mater went and got hisself adopted...and the owner heard this tinkling noise...goes in and the KITTEH is using the human LITTERbox!!!


Photo Cache said...

Tutu, humans are strange creatures. No use trying to understand them and their ways. LOL.

Emma and Buster

Alexandria said...

Oh Tutu, you are such a silly girl! Thanks for making me laugh and smile, especially with your troubled look :)

The Island Cats said...

Tutu, it's a mystery to us too. That thing makes lots of noise too.

Oui Oui said...

We don't understand it either!

Tutu, this is the first time we have seen you in a contemplative mood. You must be growing up!

Unknown said...

Uh Tutu, me used the wet litter box or a little while, them me fell in. It was kind of cool, it does not stink!

Gigi said...

Darling Tutu, *I* have the answer:

See? It makes a lot of noise though, and I don't care for that one bit!

Your devoted fan

Ingrid said...

Hahahaha ! I sent you the explanation and user manual in a private email !

Donna said...

They press a little metal bar and the water gets very swirly. :)

Mollie said...

Bawaaahhaawwaah I don't fink wez laughed so much.. :) :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Tamago said...

It sure is mystery every kitty faces, Tutu. Goro had same questions and while solving the mystery, he dropped himself in the human litter box. Since then the lid is closed unless it's in use. You be careful, too!

haopee said...

You know what's more amazing, Tutu?

How your mom keeps your bathroom squeaky clean (with super white tile grout)!

Huggies and Cheese,


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ohhhh myyyyyyyyyy THIS was funny! Captions and photos were purrfect! As for the answer? Wish I had a clue! Love, Cody

meowmeowmans said...

Quite a mystery, indeed, Tutu! Stay out of there, okay? You do NOT want to fall into the humans' litter box!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Be careful, don't fall in. If you should happen to fall do not and I repeat do not pull the handle.
Thanks for coming over to help me celebrate my birthday and making my day extra special. Hope you had a good time.

Katie said...

Ha, those are excellent pictures! Don't get tooo close now!

Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Anonymous said...

Hey FOW, Jet here.

Tutu, you are so cute and curious... a perfect feline!

Berts Blog said...

OH Tut, we are so releived that you didn't fall in face first. I mean, we were kinda hopin you would cause that would be funny too, but we are glad, for your sake, that you didin't

Bert adn My Vickie

Pretinha said...

Cuidado para não se molhar haha.

GLOGIRLY said...


Love the pictures and LOVE the captions!!!
Tutu's expression says it all.
; ) Glogirly & Katie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Apparently THEIR litter box empties through the bottom in some way.

Oui Oui said...

We just had to stop by again because we love Tutu's perplexed looks!

Gigi said...

Darling, I'll be right over to help you flush ;-)

yuki and rocket said...

maybe if you watch the movie 'meet the parents', you'll learn how to use it just like the cat in that movie!

yuki and rocket

Unknown said...

You are quite the investigator! There are even some kitties, somewhere (NOT at our house) who use this contraption instead of a litter box. Go figure.

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Tutu, humans are so silly. Don't waste your time trying to figure them out.

Your pal, Pip

CATachresis said...

You don't look flushed with success there, Tutu!!!

Colehaus Cats said...

Mystery indeed! What's the fascination, we ask all the time. But take it from us, don't lean in there too far! Purrs from your friends at

Gigi said...

Hi Sweet GIrl, Are you still playing with the toilet? Or have you found some new trouble to get into?

Cherry City Kitties said...

We don't know... Harry, checks it out often, but he won't tell... and I'm not sure we really want to know.
Dexter and Tipp

Oskar said...

There are some things we just shouldn't know about our people. Once they are known, they can never be un-known.

Nubbin wiggles,

Admiral Hestorb said...

Boomie, I love you too. And I am so grateful for your love for Katie. She loves you too. xoxoxox

Admiral Hestorb said...

Tutu, your darling face just melts mom's heart. xxxooo

Gigi said...

Yoo-hoo Tutu! Hello my sweet little girl. What you been up to? Have you left the baffroom yet?

Unknown said...

As for the snail we had to find out what it was about. Hold on to your seats. It wasn’t the sort of emergency that required the fastest response nor was it something moving at the speed of fire. The target a snail and the caller an elderly woman distressed by the mollusk presence 8ft up a wall in her hallway. A crew duly swooped, carefully removed the snail from the wall and showed it to the door, then turned their expert services to comforting the householder. You could not make it up! Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Petronela said...

This is the funniest post I've seen in the last year, you should compete with it somewhere, honestly :). Tutu is....I shall eat her alive :).

Gigi said...

I was very a-cited to read about your pineapple tart paper-eating adventures, Tutu. Do you has pictures of that? Did you frow up???

Clooney said...

Tutu, theese one is a big mystery indeed! (Cute post folks!)

Little Miss Titch said...

Hi every one I have given you an award pop by when you have a minute,xx Speedy's mum

Karen Jo said...

I only know part of the mystery, Tutu. My human sits on it, then she pulls a silver bar and the water goes round and round and makes a noise. I like to watch.


Anonymous said...

We have a little something for you over here:

Have a great weekend!

Gigi said...

Your poor Mommy had to look WHERE for WHAT? Tutu, You are a bad, bad girl, aren't you??

Anonymous said...

BOL! OMD Tutu you just roll me! Hahahhahahha!

Waggin at ya,

Willow said...

Tutu this stays a mystery as Mom closes the lid on hers since I would use it as a drinking place and said that would be icky. You do seem considered I'm sure a smart kitty will unravel this mystery.

Gigi said...

What's up, Tutu? our Mommy needs to do a new post and tell us about your new mischief.

Smile With Your Tail said...

OMD you had us in hysterics!
