Thursday, January 3, 2013

We Were On The GOOD List!

Check out our Christmas presents!
Whisky : This freeze dried chicken is ear raising good!
Cosmo : More, please!
Ling : What do we have here?
Ling : EEEEEKKKK! It's alive!
Ling : I'll teach you to scare me like that!
....Itsy Bitsy Spider.....
...ran down Felix's back....
....down and down it went.... annoy the little cat....
Felix : STOP bugging me, will ya!
Boomer : Got ya!
Tutu : Haiii yaaaaaa!
Coco : Good heavens! There's no need to scream!
Coco : Ungggghhhh!
Meow-Me : Creepy crawlie, into my belleh you go!
All of us LOVE the freeze dried chicken and our Neko Flies!


Little Miss Titch said...

Of course you where no doubt in my mind,xx Speedy

Fuzzy Tales said...

Wow, those are awesome presents! Love the photos, as always. :-)

Hannah and Lucy said...

You had some lovely presents - we can see how much you are enjoying playing with your Neko Flies.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I'm scrolling through your post, thinking it is cute and fun and wondering where Tutu was..

then I got there, and I haven't stopped laughing..

Unknown said...

No coal for you guys. What a swell time you had. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Remington said...

You did well, my friends! FUN TIMES at your house!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh what fun! I just love your photos!!!

Mollie said...

Blimey, how come you've all been so good..BOL what fantastic pwesents and that Chicken looks scrummy :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Marg said...

Tutu, you have our Mom laughing out loud at you. Good jump. That Neko fly that you are playing with is Mahoney's favorite one. We have two others and she only like the spider. But we love to see your flying skills Tutu. Hope all of you have a great evening.

Purrfect Haven said...

Here we are wishing you a most happy new year. How do we get on the 'good list'?! Love Darcy, Bingley and Helen xxx

da tabbies o trout towne said...

neko flies..25 paws up


hope everee one enjoys play time N try trout fales sum time...even whiskey wood like em and if knot...more for de kittehs !!!!!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

and how bout if we spell rite...


even we dunno what a trout

fales iz

un less him taked like a test and getted a D sted of an A


Tamago said...

What great presents! I enjoy all your fun photos. Looks everyone is very excited :-) Goro likes neko fly, too, but only dragonfly...he shows no interest in other insects.

brokenteepee said...

You guys know how to PLAY

Marilia said...

Hehehe! The second photo is amazing!

Unknown said...

Oh good toys...good treats, I like to see yu play!
Purrs, Miss Kitty

Random Felines said...

those are awesome presents....what fun!!

Berts Blog said...

What a great and entertaining post today. We are smiling from cheek to cheek

Bert and My Vickie

BeadedTail said...

OMC! You guys are so funny! You sure enjoyed those flies! We loved seeing all your photos too!

Mr Puddy said...

MOL...Cosmo, I can see you do everything for food : )

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Off course you where on the GOOD list , wich list should you otherwise be on ??!!

Pretinha said...

Que brinquedos legais! Tenham bons jogos amigos.

Katie Isabella said...

OH I have a Neko fly JUST like that! I LOVE it and I like to munch his body and pull his legs till they snap back. They haven't come off yet but I keep hoping! I wanna play too. Tutu, lets have a play date again. Boomie, you too.

The Island Cats said...

You guys SCORED!! Look at all the Neko flies!! And the yummy treats!! Have fun!!

Annie Bear said...

These are great gifts. Looks like you got them from Nip and Bones. We love them! Annie has ruined her share of Neko Flies but we have one that is still going strong (sort of). The treats look yummy. I love that shot of Cosmo!

Unknown said...

Wowwie! Yous guys really knows how to has fun!

The Florida Furkids said...

It looks like you got some wonderful gifts! We love those treats too!!

The Florida Furkids

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, you must have ALL been specially GOOD last year!

Gigi said...

Oh my sweet darling Tutu! I am so excited to see you mid-leap like this! I am resuming Furrari rides next week....soon we will ride off into the sunset! XOXOXO (The Woman returns to school Monday--she looks forward to a message from you waiting for her????)

Gigi said...

Thank you for reminding us about Popo! The Human teaches the novel "The Joy Luck Club" (the stories of some Chinese women who emigrate to America--I don't know if you would have heard of it). In the novel, a character is called Popo and the Human thought it was her name until a student who had come from China told her it meant "Grandmother" ;-)

In the U.S. "Po-Po" is urban slang for police, as I guess you figured out! I'll be very careful driving my Furrari in Malaysia--maybe I shouldn't come on a Friday, though!

yuki and rocket said...

why wouldn't you be on the good list, us cats/dogs never do anything naughty! we love the pictures of you playing!!

yuki and rocket

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so glad you got such great stuff! You are on our "good" list too!

My Mind's Eye said...

OMCs you all are one fine looking bunch of fluffiness and very agile and talented!!
Hugs Madi

meowmeowmans said...

Well, of COURSE you were on the good list! How could Santa think otherwise? :)

Those sure look like some amazing presents. Enjoy those tasty noms, and have fun with that Neko fly toy!

Hugs (and happy new year)!

Katie Isabella said...

Tutu and Boomie..see you at 1900...I have the turbo boost on my tunnel working again.

Colehaus Cats said...

Oh, YUMS! Purrs from your friends at

A Tonl said...

BUGZ! We loooooves our BUGZ! Allie's got that pink one, and we boyz have the kittycada. Pawesome technique you guys all have going there for sure!

Baby Patches said...

OMC!! Momma was laughings so hard at all the kitties going after them buggies. I is so happy you luvs all the treats and the bugs, my new furriends! Momma was happy to packs it up for all of you. I hopes you got them mice all over the place too. MOL


Gigi said...

You kitties do all look like you are having a cat-tastic time with your new toys! I am working on the Furrari plan (but not for YOU, Boomie).

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Oh wow! Concats!
But we knew you wee on the good list ;-)

Willow said...

That Neko Fly looks so very realistic and so exciting. Tutu you almost flew getting it. Glad you were all on the good list purrs.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Don't tell anyone but sometimes we play with kitty toys because we are such small dogs.

Kat said...

What PAWSOME presents and how much fun!!!
Thank you for your purrs for Rachel, she's doing much better.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

What yummy fun we're having!

Oui Oui said...

Your house is so, so lively! We are glad everyone was on the good list this year, even Tutu! (Oops, did we say that?)

Thanks for all your kind words while our mom wasn't feeling good. We wish you a very Happy New Year!

Katie said...

We missed this post due to surgery but these are some GREAT pictures!!

Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Anonymous said...

Wow! You kitties look like you are having so much fun! Those chickenie treats look pretty darn delicious too :)

Cat Tee Mission said...

Of course you were on the good list ;) YAY!

Ingrid said...

Not only love goes through the stomac but you are all in full shape too ! Lol !

Katie Isabella said...

Boomie, of course you are my Knight in Shining Armor. XXXOOO

Gigi said...

Oh, my darling darling friends!!! Do you know what my Human brought home from school today??? Do you??? OF COURSE you do!!! Your adorable card and its WONDERFUL contents! I can't tell you how a-cited I am....and I only had just the tiniest tiniest bit rubbed into my favorite feather toy. Then I ran and ate the rest of my food and now I am having a little nappy. Ahhhhh, life is good! We wrote a post about it--come see!!
Especially, YOU, my sweet little Tutu-girl ;-) THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

BOL! Who knew flies could be such fun :)

Waggin at ya,

Clooney said...

Love your awesome action pics!