Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year And We Have Special Guests!


Today is February 10, 2013 and the first day of the Chinese New Year! And this year, it is the Year of the Ssssssnake! And how wonderful that Pip and Puddles came to visit on this special day!

Our friend, Pip, hasn't been feeling very well lately, but instead of sitting around at home, he has decided to go on a Bucket World Tour with Nurse Puddles. We heard about Puddles and her amazing driving skills and were most impressed at how she managed to *drive* all the way from the Molly's place in London to Malaysia through mountains, oceans and everything else!

We're here, Furries of Whisppy!
Whisky : Uh, Puddles, be careful up there! You don't want to break the Boat of Prosperity!
Puddles : HEY. Maybe we could go home in this fishing boat?
Pip : That's not a bad idea. We could do a spot of fishing on the way!
Pip : Uh, I'm not sure if this was such a good idea after all...Mr Lion doesn't look very happy
Puddles : Will ya hurry up and take the picture? Mr Lion's getting testy!
* S M I L E *
Pip : Aren't these orchids beautiful? I wanted to bring some home for my Assistant but decided a photo would probably last longer. Oh, and that's Puddles by my side in case you were wondering. She grabbed a baby lion on the way here..
Whisky : OMD Puddles! They are on to us. Drop that baby lion and RUN!
Whisky : We enjoyed your company very much! The two red packets are called "ang pows" and they contain some money for you to use as you please. And Mommy made a fresh batch of chicken jerky for you to snack on your way home!
PS / Tutu asks if you notice anything new on our header.  ;)

PPS / Katie, Boomie is on his way to pick you up. Mommy has a yummy meal prepared for our CNY dinner! 


Mr Puddy said...

I like the one you guys get into the back of Mr. Lion ; )
( ***whisper ) I have mom's secret to tell you. When my mom was a kid. She was so scared Mr. Lion. Every new lunar year when Mr. lion came to visit her. She and a doggie ( chow chow ) ran real fast to upstairs !...tee..heh
Happy New Lunar Year !!!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Tutu on the header now...sweeeeeet!!!! What swell CNY celebration you all are having. Have fun everyone! purrr...meow!

Unknown said...

Nice header. Happy New Year and we hope the snake brings you many good things. Ha ha Pip & Puddles on the run. At least they had some celebration before the Po Po arrived. Have a super Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Marg said...

Sure looks like Pip and Puddles had a good time at your house. What fun to sit on a lion and glad you didn't get eaten by the lion.
Look at Tutu on the header. Whooo HOoooo. That is our Godchild. Isn't she the cutest. A very Happy Chinese New Year to all of you. Take care.

The Daily Pip said...

We are here!!!! Oh, this is SO EXCITING FOR US! And Puddles, do be careful with the Boat of Prosperity - after this trip we are going to need some help with prosperity!

P.S.: Tutu looks GREAT on the header by the way!

The Daily Pip said...

You stick to fishing, Puddles, and let Whisky drive the boat!

Oh, and I don't think Mr. Lion wants any Cheetos ...we better not make him angry. Puddles, stop telling him to "Giddy Up" ...he's a lion not a horse.

Purrfect Haven said...

take care Mr Pip, we loved the sneaky tour and are delighted it is the year of the snake (our Mum is planning to get a Corn snake). Thanks for taking time to leave us a comment. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Loved this post.. Just adorable.. Hugs GJ xx

What Remains Now said...

What an exciting stop on the Bucket List World tour. So colorful and fun.

WFT Nobby said...

Malaysia - wow I hope you are collecting air miles P+P! But really, you do need to be careful around lions. Especially ones that are "getting testy".
Toodle pip!

The Island Cats said...

What a great way to celebrate the New Year with a fun visit from Puddles and Pip!!

And Tutu...congrats on being on the header!! :)

Mollie said...

Oh what fun, those two are terrible, they will get caught one day..BOL Tutu, youz has your place now :) Don't forget kick off for the ball tomorrow :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

brokenteepee said...

Looks like you are enjoying the New Years celebration. Tutu looks great on the header

The Daily Pip said...

Ruh roh, I think we have been spotted better take our "ang pows" and chicken jerky and hit the road ...or at least hide behind the orchids!

Cowspotdog said...

Well that was a most interesting visit and you got to celebrate chinese new year too. I think those guys on the worlds most list for all the trouble they are causing :) :) :)

ps nice to meet you guys!

Lovable Lily said...

Happy New Year! How great that Pip and Puddles were able to make it to the big celebration in honor of the snake. We can see that had a wonderful time (well except for when those guys with guns was hunting them down.)

We love that Puddles put on a lions head! She looked pretty spooky.

Thanks for being a great host.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy New Year!! What a most wunderful way to celebrate! :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Annie Bear said...

I loved these pictures of Whisky with Pip and Puddles! What fun!! Happy New Year!

Tutu, that is such an adorable shot of you in the header where you belong!

Happy New Year, dear friends!

GOOSE said...

Pip and puddles and Lions...OH MY! What a great place to begin the Snake new year thingy. Loved to flowers. And it seems that for the most part Pip and Puddles behaved themselves.

My Mind's Eye said...

What an excellent adventure and fun time you all showed P&P on Chinese New Year too. We love all the festive floats, beautiful orchids and vibrant colors.

I hope you set Puddles GPS I would not want them getting lost in the great big open sea.
Hugs madi your BFFF

Brian's Home Blog said...

What an absolutely wonderful visit!!! You are such great hosts and I so enjoyed their visit. Happy New Year everyone!!!

BeadedTail said...

Tutu, we spotted you in the header right away! Yay!

What a great adventure the pups had there! Great way to celebrate the Chinese New Year!

GLOGIRLY said...

That looks liek a PAWSOME adventure!!!
Better not let Gloman see those Cheetos and Bud Lights!!!
; ) Katie

Anonymous said...

hey guys, if you visit Spitty in San Francisco, be sure to hop across the bay and come see me, 'Kay? And Happy Chinese NY to you all...the Ssssnake Year, paw pats, Savannah

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH what a BEAUTIFUL and truly EXCITING VISIT this is. I was kinda scared fur you three up there on those Pedestals though. WHEW... Glad there wasn't an Accident.

CATachresis said...

Gosh! Life is very exciting with you guys!! Love the header :)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so glad that Pip came to visit you! What fun!

Clooney said...

Oh theese is so much fun! Glad that Pip and Puddles came for the celebrations! Love the new addition to your header. Happy Chinese New Year all! (Hey, I see that Bud Light there...)

Unknown said...

GONG XI FA CAI to yous too! What a auspicious way to start the new year - sharing it with Nurse Puddles and Pip! We are looking forward to having Chinese Food tonight. Mommy used to work in a Chinese resaurant and leanred how to make it. She even makes some special just for us! ToTo, me loves where yous is in the heade! Yous is my kind of girl cat!

Old Kitty said...

Happy New Year to all of you too!

And what a day to remember!! Visits from gorgeous Pip and Puddles and adventures!! Wow!!

Enjoy your day! take care

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy New Year! It looks like Mr Pip and Puddles had a great time visiting you.

The Florida Furkids

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We have useless memories about headers... But we trust it is something good!

Gigi said...

Hi Tutu, Darling--there you are on the header now! Looking so beautiful!

I hope I am not too late for the CNY Pawty! Did you know I am a Monkey, fun-loving and curious??? I can't wait to sample all the treats you have over there and to maybe have a quick New Year's cuddle with you, my sweet girl!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

We're impressed with your travels and it's always nice when there's a celebration, too!

Katie said...

Wow, that's quite an exciting adventure! You must have been worn out after all that fun :-)

Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are glad you all had a great time with Pip and Puddles.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

meowmeowmans said...

How cool that Pip and Puddles came to visit! You sure had a great time, huh? We like the picture of you on the back of the lion! :)

Looking good on the header, Tutu!!!

Smile With Your Tail said...

OMD this is amazing!


Gigi said...

Hello Tutu, darling. It was thrilling seeing you for that little cuddle last night. I'm glad you didn't mind that I'm a money.

Sorry--Australia sent us these lousy eucalyptus trees but none of those cute little bears. I hear they're kind of mean, though, so perhaps you don't really want one.

Oui Oui said...

What an exciting time! We're glad you escaped from the SWAT team. Yay, Tutu made the header! Now she is official!

Pretinha said...

That was fun! WOW! Puddles are very brave taking photo above Lion.

haopee said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you guys... We used to pronounced it "Kong Hei Fat Choi"... over the years, they changed it.

Whisky is pretty as always.

Huggies and Cheese,


Tamago said...

Happy Chinese New Year! What a fun time you had, Whisky! These orchids are beautiful. I love orchids.
Tutu, we see you on the header! Yay!

Ingrid said...

What a cute post ! A very happy New Year to you sssss (I am a snake) Little Tutu has found a nice place in your header, sitting on a dog and a rabbit, lol !

Alien said...

I heard a rumor that Pip, Puddles, Shamu, and a baby lion were last seen in a boat filled with cheetos and beers headed towards their next stop. I hope they don't wind up like the guy in Life of Pi.


A Tonl said...

Mowzers, WHAT a CNY celebration you had with Pip & Puddles!!! ANd YAY for Tutu on the header! WOOT!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Chinese New Year!! How pawsome that Mr Pip and Puddles came for a visit and what a visit!!!! Very cool :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Katie Isabella said...

BOOMIE darling...I am waiting, have been waiting, will ALWAYS be waiting. Come on here!! What did she make for us? I know it will be absolutely delicious as always. Look at us; we shine and glow from good health.

Tutu sweet baby girl, I have looked for you in the header EVERY time I have been here so I saw you. xoxoxoxoxoxo

Just Mags said...

Oh, wow! You all had a fun and exciting time. Sure glad it all worked out with you sitting on Mr. Lion. Tutu you are looking adorable up there on the header, love where you chose to be. You all are so adorable! Hugs and nose kisses

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

YEA!!! *clapping pawz* It'z Ofishal!!, Tutu iz now front & center in da header ^.,^ You lookz Gorgeous ♥♥

You all lookz like you having such Wunderful adventure ^.,^ but dat swat team lookz pretty scarey!Gladz you got away1 *whew ^..^*

Purrz & Kissez ♥♥♥xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

you guys sure went on some world class adventures!

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

Happy Chinese New Year! Sounds like the year got off to a great start :)

Gigi said...

You know, Tutu, you could come to the Catican and have a ride in the Popemobile. I could dress you up like a nun or sumfing. Maybe a Swiss Guard--their outfits are really cool.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

HAPPY Chines New Year :)

Fenris and Family said...

So glad Tutu found her way onto the header. The Chinese New Year sounds like fun.