Monday, April 22, 2013

Mancat Monday on Earth Day

Boomer : A little more to the right, Mommy...PURRFECT!
Boomer : Oh, Hello Kitties! It's Earth Day and I sent Mommy off to the nursery to get some new plants to green our garden. I think Mother Nature likes that, right? I was just helping her position our new Bamboo plant in the top picture
Boomer : What do you think of our new bamboo chimes? They are Earth friendly too! And do you see our new Bamboo plant? It's at the right of the picture
We had to throw away all the hanging petunias as the poor things were infested with whiteflies which made them very sick. It made Mommy very mad and upset because nothing she did could get rid of the whiteflies. And then the whiteflies infested our catnip plant and that made US very mad (Mommy had to throw the catnip plant away too)! Does anyone out there know how to get rid of whiteflies (without harsh chemicals, please)? Mommy is going to plant a new pot of catnip for us and we'll like to keep it safe from those pesky creatures. Help, please?


The Island Cats said...

Happy Earth Day! We're sorry those nasty bugs ruined your nip plant. We don't know how to get rid of them. But we hope your new nip plant will be okay.

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Earth Day!

Mom says to try a spray of soap (like Dawn) and water. That's worked for her in the past. Those things are really hard to get rid of :(

The Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Happy happy Earth Day!! I seriously love this space for you, it makes me smile when I think of your peeps making it for ya!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope you have better luck with the new nip plant! Happy Earth Day everyone!

Fuzzy Tales said...

We like your new plants!

We're not sure what white flies are...sometimes our plants get tiny black flies (they come in the bags of soil) and the humans uses something called "Sticky Sticks". They're really just small strips of fly paper, we think, that fold over and fit onto little plastic sticks that you push into the soil. It attracts the flies and of course they can't get off once they land on it. It can take a while (few weeks or so) and oh, the sticky sticks can be black with those flies and have to be changed frequently, but eventually it does get them all.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww your window view is gorgeous lovely Boomer!! Your chimes are adorable!!! Happy happy earth day!!

As for the whitefly - here's a handy article!! Take care

Random Felines said...

we love that set up and your new bamboo! however, we know nothing about bugs....sorry :)

Hannah and Lucy said...

What a great place to keep an eye on things happening outside Boomer. We bet you love the idea of a new catnip plant.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

*Shakes fist at whiteflies*

I'm sorry they ruined your other plants..

hopefully your new nip grows quickly

Unknown said...

OMD not the catnip. Spray with regular washing up liquid. Hope you find a solution. Horrid whiteflies. Have a marvelous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Marg said...

We sure don't know how to get rid of those flies. That sounds like a bad problem. Hope your new catnip does all right. Wonder if the flies are hatching out of the soil you are using??
Have a great day.

Annie Bear said...

Oh my gosh, this is awesome! I love all the plants and chimes and what a great area for the kitties too. Boomer is obviously enjoying it out there with you.

I don't have a green thumb. I don't even have a brown thumb. My thumb is black! I don't know about the flies but I hope you can find out and then plant a new pot of catnip for the kitties. I'd actually like to try and plant some myself.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...yur garden iz rockin...N de florida fur kids iz rite...a tablespoon oh dawn ina gallon oh water will get rid of em ...we haz all sew hurd placin marigolds in de area will get rid of em coz de fliez due not like de smell ....

Little Miss Titch said...

Spray the plants with a mix of dish washing detergent and water!xx Speedy's mum

The Monkeys said...

We think the earth is VERY happy with all you're doing, Boomer!

brokenteepee said...

I do not know about the flies, I am sorry. I am also sorry they ruined your 'nip!

RedSetter said...

That's the thing isn't it, you want to protect the Earth in all its diversity but just wish the bugs and beasts would respect you too. Sorry I dont have any solutions but send good wishes that they will stay away, especially from your plant.


The suggestion of (clear) Dawn and water is excellent way to get rid of infestations of unwanted pesks.

CATachresis said...

Happy Earth Day, Boomer :)

We have blackfly and greenfly but not heard of whitefly! :( I hope you can sort it. Perhaps google can help!!

Photo Cache said...

Happy Earth Day to all citizens of Earth :)

Emma and Buster

BeadedTail said...

We don't know what those whiteflies are but why on earth did they pick on your nip plant? We like all your earth friendly things in your garden though!

Murray's Mouth said...

Oh whiteflies sounds awful!

Tamago said...

Oh no so sorry your petunias and more importantly, cat nips are ruined by rude whiteflies!! And sorry I have no idea how to get rid of them...but hope you can find the solution.
The bamboo chimes and plants look beautiful! Happy Earth Day!

Willow said...

What greenry you are putting in your corner of Earth Boomer and good Earth day post showing all the issues and problem solving we have to do to live within its home.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

What a lovely wall you have there! TBT found a site about organic whitefly control.

Hope that helps!

A Tonl said...

Bamboo! How cool is that! Is it nommy, BTW? Whiteflies don't sound very tasty though, and we're not into sharing our catnip, so we say they should GO!

Willow said...

Boomer I love your kitty window box! !!

Unknown said...

White flies in the house is hard. Wes had them and Mommy had to resort to putting the affected house plants in clear plastic bags (we buy big ones for recycle here in Canada-like black garbage bags).
Then we sprayed the plants with a soap solution and closed the bag up and only opened it when they needed water for a couple of months! (2 life cycles) the plants came through and the bugs was gone!!!

haopee said...

Oh hey guys! Whiteflies? What are those?

By the way, have you tried the leaf trick or the plastic bag trick?

What my mom used to do when insect start to hover a certain thing is to put a large leaf beside it that was dipped in oil so they all stick it. Same goes with the plastic.The inside of the plastic was swabbed with oil so that when they get in, they don't come out.

Oui Oui said...

Next fly infestation, try this: Soak a couple cigarettes in a cup of water and when the water turns good & brown, pour it in a spray bottle and wet the plants down good. Be sure to get the underside of all the leaves. Our mom has killed many an insect infestation this way.

Now you have to tell us how Tutu got her name! We promise not to say a word, and we're not sure we will be able to sleep tonight without knowing!

Gigi said...

Is there a secret about your name, Darling Tutu???? We just read Oui Oui's comment. Dooooo tell!

Hi Boomie, Well, even I must say you are cutting a mighty fine figure of a ManCat today. So I won't say anything mean....for now.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy Earth day to you~!!!

Charliepuss said...

Whack dem whiteflies wiv ya paws! Hope they leave your new pot of nip alone.

Mollie said...

We got those white fings on our plants and they had to be thrown away, Daddy had to buy a spray. Love your Catio :)xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Katie said...

What a great spot! We agree with Mollie. Buy a spray and it's ALMOST like the same thing :-)

See you in about two weeks!

Piggy kisses,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Katie Isabella said...

Boomie, if you will, bring me some bamboo chimes too? Next time tou teleport over. Wait..I will look around and see if I can find some. I hate to add extra weight to the transport. You did a good job helping your mommy. I loved seeing our hammock again. Sigh. Gives me happy memories. I know you say me on the Peggy blankie. I LOVE that blankie. Kisses to you again dear Boomie for the gift. xoxoxoxoxo

Kitties Blue said...

What a cool outdoor enclosure you all have. And it is getting fixed up so nice with new plants nearby. Sorry about your catnip. We're hoping some catnip seeds Dad planted for us will sprout soon. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

That's a very nice garden!
I cannot help regarding the whitefiles, I have no idea (and my human is too lazy to take care of a garden so...).

Gigi said...

We has ONE plant. The Human is shocked it is still alive after several years of enduring neglect and over- and under-watering at her hands.

We dunno what whiteflies is, but they don't sound good.

Karen Jo said...

I love your window kitty enclosure. Mom says to spray the plants with a mixture of dishwashing liquid and water for the whiteflies. I hope they stay away from your new nip plant. Thank you so much for your kind words about Austin.


Gattina said...

That's really annoying I never had whitflies but we have snails eating all the plants. The soap and cigarette solution seems very good to me I would try it out !

Clooney said...

We love looking at the pictures of your catio, it is so cool! And the bamboo chimes and plant look great. We don't know what white flies are but we sure hope you can grow nip again without them taking over!

Petronela said...

I am sorry mommy is upset...But I must say that did an amazing job with the garden decorations :)...Good luck with the flies.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Well az uzual we late fur earth day! fankz to you know who...... ^..^ but den again Efury day iz earth day around here ^.,^ we haz a link fur you about how to get rid ov da whitefliez Naturally ^.,^

Hope dis helpz ^..^ ♥♥♥xoxo

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Happy Earth Day!
I´m sorry to hear those nasty bugs ruined your nip plant :(
HAPPY belated Earth Day :)