Have you ever wondered about the Tails of the Furries of Whisppy? |
Whisky : This is my *tail*, which is about the size of a rice grain with brownish fur attached to it. I can't do anything with it, though Whisky was born with a underdeveloped (or rather, a never developed) tail. The little thing is at the right place, just never developed. Which makes her very special! |
Whisky : That's why you see this in all my photos. Mommy ties up the fur this way so they stay clean after you-know-what |
Cosmo : My tail has kinks in 3 spots which makes it look like a question mark when I walk. Cute, eh? |
Ling : The top bit of my tail is like someone scrunched it up and is all but 4" long. This makes cleaning it quite a challenge! It's hard not to smile when I see Ling walk around with her 4" tail straight up :) |
Meow-Me : My tail is perfectly straight and has a white dot at the very tip. Mommy says my tail marking is very cute! |
Coco : My tail is long and slender and looks pretty *normal* considering what everyone else has. MOL |
Felix : Don't you just love the white bands on my tail? Like Meow-Me and Coco, my tail is straight with no kinks |
Boomer : My tail is perfectly straight until about 3" from the tip. Then it's almost like someone had snapped my tail so the tip faces my back all the time. And in that 3" to the tip, there are another 2 kinks. Mommy loves it when I flick the 3" bit. :) |
Tutu! Will you show your tail properly? |
*wagwagwagwagwagwag* Tutu : HAHAHAHAHA! Here you go! For heavens sake. Will you cooperate? |
Tutu : My tail is beautiful and super long. Mommy says it used to have a small kink about 2" from the tip but it's not noticeable now. I LOVE to wag my tail! |
Cosmo, Ling, Boomer and Tutu were born with kinks in their tails. None of their tails were deliberately broken. Kinked tailed cats are very commonly found in the local domestic cats of Malaysia. They are able to move the entire tail, including the tips, which makes it pretty funny to watch. :)
Glad to hear the story about the kitty tails and Whisky too. We didn't realize that Whiskey had a little tail problem.Tutu, you are very silly. Glad you had a normal tail but the kinky ones sure are cute too. Take care..
Those are all very special tails, seriously special!
OMD Whisky has the cutest tail. Special tails indeed. Mine sadly was cut off when I was a puppy before I was rescued. Sigh. Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
We had never heard that kinked tails were so common in domestic cats in Malaysia. That is very interesting!
We didn't know kinked tails were common, either.
You ALL have unique and adorable tails! :-)
I have noticed ALL of your tails and I have wondered about them. This is a most excellent bloggie about your tailios! I wondered why Whisky's was braided and pinned up and now I know. As for Meow-Me, I have always been fascinated with that uniquely colored tail. I think Meow-Me's heritage is showing in that lovely tail.
Ling, I never noticed your unique tail. That is quite a squiggle you have there at the end! Be proud!
Cosmo, You could hire out as a Tow Cat. Haul things for people by hooking the things onto that tail hook! MOL! Coco, I was looking at your tail but my attention went to those spread out toesies! Kissable.
Felix, how in the world did you get so different a tail than YOU are colored?
Cosmo..you are perfection in ALL things. <3<3<3<3
Tutu...a thousand pardons beautiful little girl! YOUR tail is a gleaming badge of beauty unique to only you. xoxoxox
We love all of your tails! We think they're very beautiful and make you very special. Have a great day, furriends. xoxo
All the tails are cute!
That was fun to learn the tales of your tails! You do have lots of unique tails in your family! Tutu, you made us giggle!
Wow! All of your tails are perfect and beautiful! :)
Tail tales. hehehehehe
Harry the Farm cat has the tiniest dot of white on the tip of his tail.
Those are VERY interestin' tales.... I mean... TAILS.
I enjoyed all of you tail tales...mine is short and sweet I don't have anything. None. Nada. Zip just the groove where the tail should be that is why I am a rumpy manx. :)
I enjoyed your tale of tails! One of my girls over the RB had kinked tail, too. And I loved that little tail so much :-) Every tail is beautiful!
WOW! That was quite the tail err tale! Austin's tail is thick and long. It's very expressive. He's very proud of it! lol
How fun learning about the tales of the tails there! As I was reading about Cosmo & Ling's tails with the kinks, I immediately remembered reading something a long time ago. There was a myth why a lot of Siamese kitties had a kink in their tails. It was because a princess wanted to keep her rings on her kitties' tails and that's why from then on Siamese kitties had kinks in their tails. I love Tutu's long tail. It reminds me of Lucy's. Each kitty there has a unique tail that was fun to read about.
That was a neat post!
Guess what? I have a noticeable kink in my tail about 1 1/2 inches from the tip. The peeps always thought that maybe someone held me by my tail or broke it before I was brought to the shelter. I love the colors in some of your cats' tails.
My tail is longer than Lego's natural short tail~!!!
Lego doesn't like people or me to touch his tail, he will be mad, and I think that is very interesting~!
You all have very good tails.
What interesting tales of your tails! We never knew that about domestic cats in Malaysia. Now we think we have pretty boring tails.
We have always loved all your tales! And we are so jealous! We know some people don't like kinked tails, but we think their purrsonality is outstanding!
That's some pretty awesome tales you all tell!
Meow - Me - you are the only one with a full stop at your end!
Tutu's tail is my favorite, fluffy and cute...I just adore that kitty :).
Tutu your tail is like a super helicopter.
Whisky, your tail is funny. I am surprised about hearing the defect. I think it's adorable though.
I usually cut the hair at the bottom so Chooey don't get "butt nuggets".
Whisky we loves your tail :) and your little plait,I need mine tied up I had a cling on the other day..Bawahwaawww don't tell anyone though :) xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Love the tails... When Alex had to have his tail amputated my motto was tails are overrated. but truth be told, I love tails, and play with Lucy's all the time!
this was one FUN and interesting, "Tale of the Tails!!"
You guys all have such different tails! But they have one thing in common - they are all cute cute cute!!! :)
Ha, we loved that post! Those sure are some fascinating tails.
Piggy Kisses,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
You all sure have a lot of unusual and interesting tails among your meowmates as well as your woofie. Though some are fat, some are skinny and some are floofy, all our tails are totally plain and normal. We're so boring! Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
We love the tale of the tails :)
We love that they are all so different. All so cool !
We also like Tutu and her Tortitude!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie
Adoro vocês, do focinho até a pontinha da cauda, sendo reta ou torcida, listrada ou com um ponto branco, fofas ou normais!
Tenham uma ótima semana
I think kinked tails bring good luck ;)
Love this post!
That's a furry nice collection of tails! Loved this post =^.^=
We really enjoyed the tale of all your special tails. We had noticed Whisky's braid but never really thought about why it was that way only that it looks very cute.
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
Each is beautiful and unique. My previous dog, a Dalmatian, also had the non-developed tail. Being a rescue, I have no idea what the history to that was.
A show of tails!
My feline sister, Elsie, has a clink in her tail, too. I say all these unique qualities make each of us beautiful in our own way!
Your pal, Pip
Tutu, YOUR tail is the BEST! But still, I'd sure like to see a little movie of the others wagging their tail-tips! XOXOXO
Oh how we love theese post and the stories of all your tails, too cool! We love how Mommy braids Whisky's tail, it is so chic!
OMC!! that's a whopper of a tail!! sorry...made myself MOL!!
Haaaaa! Tutu, EXCELLENT technique on the tail wag!
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