Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wild Wednesday

Mr Rat marinating in silvervine powder
Tutu : He's READY!
Cosmo : Tail is just about right!
Tutu : Time for a taste test
Tutu : Ahhhhhhhhh. Purrfect, Mommy. Just PURRfect
Ling : You're right, Tutu. Mr Rat tastes really good!
Boomer : Mr Rat is back! Let me at him! I'm not done with him yet
Felix : Watch out, Boomer. He still has his teeth!
Boomer : He smells different....a very nommy kind of different
* S N E E Z E *
Mr Rat : 'scuse me! All that powder has made my nose itchy
Coco : The powder you have on is intoxicating
Mr Rat : Aiyeeeeeeeeee!
Boomer : HAH! Got your tail, finally! Not so brave now, are we?
Meow-Me : You are very big and intimidating, Mr Rat. I'm not sure I want to play with you
Meow-Me : I prefer my mice to be small and furry!
Felix : Don't cry, Mr Rat. I'll play with you


Cats Herd You said...

The silvervine seems to have made Mr. Rat much more interesting. We love the photo of Tutu trying to break into the plastic bag to get to him!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We would love for Mr. Rat to pay us a leetle visit! Have a good time with him and have a happy Wednesday. XOXO

Unknown said...

LOL Mr.Rat sure was a hit. Maybe peeps could marinated my toys in some chicken? Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

CATachresis said...

Hmmm! White powder has that affect on me too!! mol There is nothing like a good marination to enhance friendship!! >^,,^<

Fuzzy Tales said...

That silvervine is pretty darned potent! We still have some, but our human doles it out only occasionally, -- meanie that she is.

Have fun with Mr. Rat!

brokenteepee said...

Mr. Rat is HUGE!

Random Felines said...

oh my.....what fun!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL you should have seen mom's face when she read Mr. rat being was priceless.

Great action shots and
FYI to your peeps you could substitute another cheese for the biscuit recipe. Mom is going to try cheddar next time.
Hugs madi your BFFF

Brian's Home Blog said...

You two sure made us smile today!

Marg said...

Oh Mr. Rat sure looks like such a good toy. As usual, great pictures of all of you leaping. Tutu, love the picture of you taking a large bite of Mr. Rat. Nice try. Take care.

Annie Bear said...

Brilliant marinating Mr. Rat. My goodness, little Tutu can sure make a big bite in that second picture. It's so fun seeing everyone enjoy the one toy. I think I need to do some marinating here now.

BeadedTail said...

We bet Mr. Rat coated in silvervine is divine! Your photos made us giggle! We always love your antics!

Tamago said...

Marinating in silvervine powder! Great idea, I will do for my boys' toys :-)
Mr Rat must taste very nice now. Looks like everyone had fun! I enjoyed all the amazing pictures!

Little Miss Titch said...

Hahaha it fun watching you guys play!xx Speedy and mum

Anonymous said...

HA! We thought only our humans marinated our toys! Is this a great idea or what?? Play on! Purrs....

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

LOL.. i love that second photo

Hannah and Lucy said...

What great photos of the silvervine party. Mr Rat is so big he must smell divine. We laughed as Tutu looked as though he was going to eat Mr Rat with one swallow!! What fun!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Sweet Purrfections said...

Great pictures! That must be some potent silver vine. We love the sneeze picture!

Marilia said...

This rat is like the true rat! Irc!

meowmeowmans said...

Your photos sure made us smile, gang! :)

Tutu, we MOL'd at that second picture!!!

Dachshund Nola said...

Looks like a fun toy!

da tabbies o trout towne said...


Bless ewe ~~~~~~~~ !!!

enjoy de rat guys N let yur mom seer him fry talk....soak him... in sum mor vine over nite for an added kick two morrow :)

The Island Cats said...

Ha! It looked like you gusy were dancing with Mr. Rat!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You are very exciting with your Mr. Rat friend~!!

Cathy Keisha said...

I LOVE Silvervine but that Rat looks ornery. I think Felix can handle him.

Willow said...

HEE hee cats are totally a- mew -zing. ... and apparently Mr rat is intoxicating . :)

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Marinated rat? Hmmm... interesting....


Oui Oui said...

Mr. Rat is the life of the party! Why didn't we think of marinating rats?

Gigi said...

Marinated RAT? Now THERE's a true delicacy! Forget thie fish eggs and frog's legs--gimme some 'vined up RAT! Can I come over and help you kill it?

SquirrelQueen said...

We don't blame you for jumping Meow-Me, that is one big rat. Of course if he has been marinated in Silvervine he would be irresistible so maybe we would gang up on him.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Mollie said...

Mr Rat is huge, what fun, I would love him but the Blond would just eat him..MOL.. Love all the photo's they always put a big smile on our faces xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Anonymous said...

Poor Mr Rat but my word, what great pictures you managed to get there. Fantastic

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Felix you are soooo sweet to give Mr.Rat kisses like that! What a good kitty you are!
Love the "action" shots!

Katie said...

We hope Mr. Rat makes it over there, he's getting a lot of action! What a fun toy and great pictures.

Piggy kisses,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Cris said...

I saw your comment at Marilia's blog and come to a visit. I do love this kind of sequence of photos! Great blog!

Pretinha said...

Uau! Que rato grande vocês tem, isso é igual a muita diversão!
Adoro essas fotos de ação!

Unknown said...

We are very impressed that all the kitties are taking turns with Mr. Rat!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Looks like the rat party is in full swing! (With Mr. Rat being the guest of honor, of course!)

Clooney said...

The 'vine trumps big rats and big teeth! Must be good stuff for sure! What a great post, kitties!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you kitties are crazed! This silvervine is some powerful stuff! :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That MUST be the best RAT ever!!!

Photo Cache said...

that is a big rat. almost as big as tutu.

emma and buster

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

You sure give Mr IKEA Rat a hard time *mol*

Petronela said...

So happy to catch up with your blogging...
They seem to have so much fun....I shall try a toy for them too...but they love catching real mice :))).

Just Mags said...

Mr. Rat we gotta tell may as well pack it are done for! Not a chance around there those kitties has gotcha! Good job taking care of that rat! Hugs and nose kisses

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Ha rodents big and small but all yummy!

Smile With Your Tail said...

You have gots the best toys!

Have a great weekend

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Are you still recovering from Wednesday?! What fun you must have had. Saw your comment over at the VSquillion shelter. At this time we only have Summer VSquillions for adoptions. Regular and Rainbow VSquillions will be open for adoption soon. Be sure to stop back when we have new ones for adoption and make new request. Will make a note to myself but with the mom working for me you know how that goes.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Just reread your adoption request. Now I am not knowing if you want a summer VSquillion or regular. The summer VSquillions are only in white. Please stop back at the shelter and let me know what you are wanting to adopt. Thanks.

Katie Isabella said...

MOL MOL mommy and I loved seeing Mr Rat marinating! And all the chomping Tutu was doing and everyone else too. My Boomie is very brave though and so I see him as the bravest of the brave.

Mommy stIll has some silvervine to use for marinating..she will get right on that, won't you mommy? Mommy?

A Tonk's Tail said...

FaRADaY: MOWZERS that rat is GINOERMOUS! I agree wif Meow-Me!!

Maxwell: (but we do loooooves the silvervine, we do, sneezies and all!)

Gigi said...

We love the pictures! But we are worried about you all with your air quality being so bad--we saw some pictures on our news --hope it clears up SOON! XOXOXO

The Chair Speaks said...

LOL! The kitties love that fat mouse!
Well, our human thinks rain will help the haze a little temporarily.
Luckily our MeowYard is inside the house with an extractor fan at one end.

Kitties Blue said...

What a great sequence of photos. mom tries to revive our nip toys in a similar way. Glad efurryone is playing nice and sharing. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette