Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Musing

Whisky : Hello Furriends! Mommy says I am like a carpet when I lie down this way...a carpet that yelps if stepped on. BOL!
Whisky has osteoarthritis in her hips and muscle wastage in her hind legs
It's all good until it's time to get up. We notice she is most able to get up with the right motivation (read : TREATS), although there are times she can't, and ends up "swimming" in that position until we help lift up her back end
She uses her front legs to push herself up. Sometimes she ends up sliding backwards. Whisky has been going for regular acupuncture and it has helped. Now, we have started her on physiotherapy to help rebuild her hind leg muscles in a safe manner
Whisky : But once I'm up, I'm ready to chase anyone for treats, even if I sometimes slide around as I walk / run!
We ended up buying her an array of baby socks to see if the little rubber dots are able to help. The blue booties are good as they have a rubber sole, giving very good traction but are a little too big. The others fit better but have the rubbery stuff at the wrong areas. She needs them to be closer to the top part and at the sides (to help when she gets up)
After doing some reading, I read that puffy paint can mimic the non slip qualities. It took a while but we finally found 2 types of Puffy Paint!
We got to work with her older socks. It wasn't as easy to get nice uniform shapes...but that's probably because we aren't very crafty. LOL
Whisky : Chasing after my treat ball is part of my exercise routine...this is one exercise I really enjoy!
The puffy painted socks didn't seem to make much of a difference. Looks like it's back to the drawing board!
I've ordered some non-slip fabric so we'll see if that works better. Doggy boots might work better but those aren't made of "breathable" materials so might be rather uncomfortable.  If anyone has any other suggestions, please leave us a comment!


Petronela said...'re so lucky to still have your Whisky...I've lost my pekinese yesterday after 12 years of companionship....I am heartbroken....Take care sweetie. Kiss her for me.

Mariodacat said...

Aww Whiskey, We're so happy you are starting to feel better. Your human sure has come up with some good ideas to help you. Who would have ever thought of socks. What a great idea. Hope you keep getting better and better.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We're very impressed with your human's creative thinking! We hope she hits on the right fabric/other!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww wonderful Whisky!! You are so cute and lovely! And your little socks are too adorable!

What about something like these doggie booties?

Big purrs and hugs!
Take care

Marilia said...

Whisky! I love yoU!

My Mind's Eye said...

Whisky you are such a precious and beautiful woofie and OMCs your pees are 200% devoted to you and your comfort.

lots of hugs madi your bfff

The Florida Furkids said...

Treats really do help make things easier!! We hope you figure out the right thing to help you.

The Florida Furkids

3 doxies said...

I just loves all dat purty white hair!
I thinks da socks withs da puffy paint is a brilliant idea! I really can't think of anything else dat would as well.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

You make a most beautiful rug, Whisky.

What a lucky woofie you are to have a Mom that looks after your well-being and comfort! We hope you find some booties soon and your therapy helps. Sending purrs. XOXO

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Such great news and photos of you!!Whisky!!

Unknown said...

Whisky we are glad you are getting better. We know mum will come up with something to stop the slip sliding. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

brokenteepee said...

Poor little thing. You need something like flip flop material maybe

BeadedTail said...

Whisky, you are so adorable! Your mom is very creative with trying to find a way for you not to slip around on the floor. Sugar the Golden Retriever wears PawZ and we think those are made of rubber so maybe you could ask her if they would help stop the slipping.

Little Miss Titch said...

the non slip fabric sounds good,xx Speedy

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are cool socks Whiskey and you are as cute as ever!


This is something we've never had to deal with but we are sure there is someone who has a solution. We think those socks look so adorable on Whiskey and we hope you can find a solution that works good for everyone.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi whisky - you are so pretty - what gorgeous furs you have!!! Mom says she thinks you might be helped with some doggy booties - we see some others have given you some links. Hope they work for you. We have to watch Phantom on our floors because he tends to slip on the hardwood.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

da tabbies o trout towne said...

whisky....other than thiz linx N de blessings oh st francis....we canna trooly offer any help....sorree yur legs gives ya a wee bit oh trubull everee now N then :(

CATachresis said...

Whisky you are looking very psychedelic in that last picture! MOL. Your humans are very creative!! xx

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet Whiskey we are so sorry you are having those problems. What a creative idea to help you get up. That is wonderful that they help you. You are just so adorable and you do look a bit like a rug when you have your beautiful self spread on the floor. :)Hugs and nose kisses

Anonymous said...

Oh, we thought they were working when we saw the picture of you walking in them, but then Mumsy noticed they are not working so well. We are sorry and we hope your mom finds something soon that will help you sweetie. Hugs and nose kisses

Mickey's Musings said...

Whisky. you are very lucky your Mom goes out of her way to make sure you do not slip on the floors :)
Cool !!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

Pretinha said...

Whisky, você pelos lindos e realmente parece um tapete, e você ficou adorável com essas meias coloridas, sua mamãe é muito criativa tenho certeza que ela vai conseguir aprimorar as suas meias antiderrapante.

Nadine said...

that is too cute ! did she have to get used to the socks being on her?

Tamago said...

Whisky, you have such a wonderful, caring mom! And she is very creative, too! You look very cute with the socks. I hope the non-slip fabric will work well for you.

Willow said...

Whisky is just darling !!! The socks reminded me of Punky Brewster LOL

Cats Herd You said...

We're glad that the acupuncture has helped. Will you nap on rugs? We suspect it would be easier for you to get up on a rug than the wooden floor. The socks were a brilliant idea. We hope the nonslip material helps.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

well bummer, I was reading that thinking those new socks would be so helpful! I know they make booties for snow and ice, but I don't know if those would be breathable for long term use.

How about a mouse pad cut to make 'souls' on the socks??

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Awwwww Sweet Whisky, we so sorry you haz de bad hipz, but you so furry lucky to have such good pawrentz who take such Good care ov youy.♥♥ we thinkz your mommeh had a furry good idea, too bad it didn't work........ we thought it would too ^..^ unfortunately we dun't have any ideaz immediately .... if we do we let you know.... ok? ^.,^

Purrz & Kissiez to All ~ ^.,^ x6 + de mom ♥♥♥xoxoxo♥♥♥

A Tonk's Tail said...

FaRAdaY: Mowzers, Whisky! I thought for sure those socks would work! We do think that chasing a ball sounds like a fun and pawesome way to do therapy, though.

Oui Oui said...

Oh, Whisppy, we hope you are not in pain! Your mom is so creative, thinking of different solutions. What about a little needle & thread and take in the socks in a bit, or maybe tying them on with some ribbon?

The Island Cats said...

Oh those socks are a great idea. And they look very stylish, Whisky! Ernie has had acupuncture for his back issues, and it helped him. We hope your physiotherapy helps you.

Anonymous said...

Cute socks!
What is the non-slip fabric u ordered? Wool fabric? I saw some bunny owners using 'whelping pad' for their disabled rabbits to help the rabbits move around the pen. It looks heavy and sturdy. But need to buy a few pcs bcoz the size is not so big.

Let us know when the fabric u ordered arrive!

Charliepuss said...

You are such a cute little trooper, Whisky. Try sticking some "dycem" matting to the sole of the socks. It's usually used like a placemat by people who only have the use of one hand. It stops the plate / bowl slipping all over the table when scooping with a spoon.

Hope you find something to help you.

Katie said...

That's the floor we have and Cocco is always slipping. We should take a pointer from you! And you looks like a most comfy carpet :-)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Whisky don't feel bad. My Mom can never get up either! We love your socks but am sorry they don't help.
Love, Cody and Caren

Mollie said...

Whisky you are a little darling, I would be slip sliding on me butt on that floor BOL.. What about some carpet runners for you to walk on xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Terri said...

I wonder if some non-slip shelf liner would help Whiskey get up?

Kay said...

Maybe you can try to sew shoes sole onto the baby socks. Can get them from the cobbler & cut it out?
Good luck..
P/s I luv Whisky the carpet!

Kitties Blue said...

Whiskey, you could not be cuter in your little socks. Sorry none of them are working very well. We feel sure that your human will find or create just the right thing for you. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Ramblingon said...

Whiskey you are so adorable in your socks and without them too. I love that your mama is really trying hard to help and I ALSO love that you are going for acupuncture and having therapy. I know I said that before but I want you to feel better so I love all that you are doing to help yourself, pretty girl. xxoo

Marg said...

She probably does need some fabric on the floor so she can get traction. Some none slip rugs of some sort. Sounds like you have lots of good suggestions. Hope you can figure something out. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Whisky you have the bestest ever Mummy and Dad...they love to pieces! Your socks are so cute on you, but so sorry they don't help you get up and moving. Purrrrrs, Savannah said...

Whisky, you are so cute! I'm sorry you've got some trouble using your hind legs. Those floors do look slippery. But don't worry, your peeps will figure out a solution.

Cathy Keisha said...

I could suggest wall-to-wall carpet. MOL! TW says Whisky looks more like a dust mop but I VERY cute one. I think she likes him.

Gigi said...

She is so adorable!!!! You know, those socks might not be super-helpful, but they are certainly ultra-stylish ;-)

Hope the non-slip fabric turns out to be helpful!

Clooney said...

Whisky, we are sending you big purrs sweetie and hope that you will feel better and that Mommy will find something to help you out (you have such an awesome, caring Mommy!).

Ingrid said...

What an excellent idea with this little socks ! Pookie has difficulties to jump on the sofas now, she lifts herself up with her front paws.

Annie Bear said...

I don't know how I missed this post, but now I see the need for the non slip socks. You guys did a great job with the puffy paint! It's too bad that they didn't help much. Hopefully the fabric does the trick. I also hope the physiotherapy helps more. She's such a sweetheart!

Unknown said...

Whiskey, you are the cutest dog! I am so happy the little baby socks are helping you. Sending a big virtual hug!

meowmeowmans said...

Beautiful Whiskey, we are so glad that your human loves you so much, and is so willing to try everything to make you comfortable. Hopefully, the new fabric and physical therapy help you with your mobility!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

I´m very impressed with your human's creative thinking :)
Hope they will find the purrfect thing for Whisky´s paws !

haopee said...

Wow, those new sockies look awesome. I think your mom did a wonderful job with that creative input.

Don't worry Whisky, you still are the best fluffy white mop ever alive.