Meow-Me : unoccupied box! |
Boomer : Yoo hoooooo. We see youuuuuuuu! Meow-Me : Jeeez. The pests are here... |
Meow-Me : I'm OFF! Tutu : About time you did! It's Tutu Tuesday so stop trying to steal the limelight |
Tutu : Hee hee. The benefits of having my very own day |
* LASERS ON HIGH * Tutu : What on earth? Go away, Felix! |
Tutu : Don't make me bite your bum! Felix : Hah! I dare you! |
* B.I.T.E * Felix : Ow ow owwww! |
Felix : Why, you little brat! That hurt! Tutu : Well, I took up your dare! BABY! Boomer : This is getting interesting.... |
Felix : You little potty mouth! Tutu : Felix the cry baby...nyeh nyeh nyeh |
Tutu : Mommmyyyyyy! Felix is picking on me! |
I love that there is a step for you guys to get into the box! It looks like SO much fun, I wish we had a box *sigh*
Meow-Me we love boxes too but what bad luck being evicted from yours by Tutu. You are a meanie Tutu and you ought to share with your friends.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Lovely cats in boxes.. Xeti has one!!!
Tutu no squealing to mummy now. Have fun with your new box pals and have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
A good box is hard to keep. We know. *sigh*
Tutu, you have such a big job to keep everyone in line around there. But maybe don't bite that Felix quite so hard. You kitties sure do have such a good time. Take care.
Tutu, life with you around would never be boring. LOL.
Nicki wants to teleport over and eat that box, though.
Well, it IS Tutu Tuesday afterall! But Tutu, maybe you could consider..justconsider mind, sharing a bit even on Tutu Tuesday? No? OK. Come on over for a playdate then! (Meow-Me, Felix...make hay while the sun shines!!)
Boomie, come over with Tutu. We have things to do, things to discuss. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Did you get a little cheeky, TuTu? Those brash torties! They have 'tude!
I don't know Tutu - biting is NOT nice
Oh my.... don´t fight Felix and Tutu!!!!
We think Boomer has the right idea :)
Love that shot of Meow-Me jumping out of the box.
That Tutu really is a bum biter!! :)
Hahaha agora Felix vai pensar duas vezes antes de implicar com você Tutu!
LOL! I love the picture of Tutu biting Felix's bum :-) And the last picture of her claiming that Felix is picking on her! You are such a character, Tutu!
MOL box fight! Thanks for coming over! Me-Ommmmmm
Tutu, you sure have to put up with a lot even though it's YOUR day! Sheesh!
one of these days Tutu is gonna get herself in trouble....
That is Tutu too, too funny!
and in de end...boomer getted de box N had hiz wife katie over for a nite oh roe mance !!
Love your straight-up tail, Tutu, when you got in the box. I have to say, dear one, that you kind of deserved that whap from Felix, but you're always a cutie who can always make me laugh.
You always make us laugh, Tutu! Do you always use a step to get in and out of your boxes?
That box sure is popular spot! Somebody should start charging admission ;)
You three are quite entertaining. We could sit and watch this fun all day long:)
Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning
Now, nice you guys. (MOL! Like we should talk!)
Whoa! You guys have a lot of fun together, don't you.
Oh kitties, you have the best action shots on the interwebs! Fantastic! Have a great week everyone!
Tutu! You are a wicked, wicked girl....I like that in a LadyCat ;-) I see BOOMIE did not step up to save you from that mean Felix. surprise, eh?
thank you for always having an enjoyable tutu tuesday.
emma and buster
Tutu you bum biter Bawahhwhahwhha you guys are just too funny. Now play nice! xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
Felix is like an Olympic athlete - he's practically flying out of that box!
Your pal, Pip
hehehe Tutu you are naughty!xx Speedy
MOL! Never a dull moment on Tutu Tuesday! :)
Now that looks like a normal day. At our house anyhow
We have never seen so much action and fussing going on. lol Tutu you best step up a bit looks like you didn't win this one sweetie. We love your blog and look forward to every post to see what all the action is about. There seems to be never ending action at your place. Hugs and nose kisses
MOL!! Botty bites can be very fulfilling!! ;)
We're thinking there might be a giant spring in that box!
Hello, We also think the camera person needs a raise what great shots! No matter how much we spend on toys-- its always the box that wins!
Butt SMACK! Wow, this is more fun than WWF... and that's just because of a box!
Hey guys, what does Tisu Tandas mean?
ahhhh...and that is why I am an only kitty...MOL!!
A box? Unoccupied? NEVER!
You take the best pictures! Boxes are never boring are they?
~ Coccolino the mini pig
Well, Tutu, since you are not strictly speaking the kitty of a colleague, you don't really meet the qualifications to be on the Wall. But since I have an in with the wall's CEO, I think I might be able to bring pressure to bear on her. Let's see if I can spend this weekend convincing her.
There is no doubt about who is the boss, lol !
Tutu, darling? I would LUFF for you to come over and play with me. Just LOOK at all the room on this bed! Not to mention the nice pillows!
Al;lie: *sigh* SO like the Baby of the House to START the fight and then yell for Mommy when it stops going his -- er, I mean HER -- way. MOL!
Hey, Tutu! It's almost TuTu Tuesday again! Your Mommy is kinda slacking, isn't she??? I'd LOVE for you to come over.
You need more boxes...
Guess we're a little behind as this was posted last week. We're very sorry. Mom reminded us that we have commented a couple of times o how much Boomer reminds us of Lisbeth and Tutu of Astrid. Maybe it's like the humans. Supposedly everyone has a look-a-like somewhere. Maybe the four of us have found ours. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Gee!!! You kitties sure get excited over a box!!
It is a mighty fine box though ;)
We would like it too.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie
*catfight* *catfight* *catfight*
Cats can be so entertaining I love them!
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