Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wordy Wednesday

Stinky : I'm all better now. LET ME OUT!
I know you are feeling better from all your mewing but you can't go until you stop sneezing. I don't want you to spread your germs to the neighborhood cats. It's bad enough that your germs made Ling and Tutu sick and everyone has to be quarantined from each other
Stinky : I made my friends sick? Oh. I'm so sorry, Ling and Tutu. I didn't mean for that to happen
Boomer : I get to be downstairs, all on my own. I'm so bored. I miss Tutu
Cosmo : I'm in Mommy's office and I get the chair all to myself though I do miss my sisfur, Ling
Tutu : I hate being sick though it's kinda nice to have Mommy and Daddy fuss over me. PLUS I get to sleep with them on the bed every night (Daddy usually doesn't allow us on the bed but now he just lets me sleep wherever I want, even on HIS side of the bed)
Ling : Well, lucky Tutu gets the bedroom while I am stuck the bathroom. Hrrummpf
That's because you'll make a huge fuss to get out and no one will get any sleep. We still fuss over you, right?
Whisky : I have a QUESTION for you!
So we have Ling and Tutu sick at the moment and both have lost their appetite. Who do you think is the good patient and who's the bad patient? Take a minute to think about it then scroll down for the answer....
We found that if we left the plate on the floor, Tutu would struggle to eat due to the congestion. So we hold the plate up for her and she is able to eat better
Her appetite isn't great, but she does make an effort to eat on her own
And then we have Ling.  :)
She'll be sleeping but as soon as we open the door with her food, she does this. We don't think it's because she can't wait to eat, but rather as a sign of disgust because we have to force feed her (she refuses to eat on her own)
And this is AFTER being force fed. Sigh
Did you guess right?
Ling and Tutu are on antibiotics (both had fever) and Lysine (they caught a cold). I am guessing they should make a full recovery by this weekend. Until then, everyone will continue to be quarantined to ensure the situation remains under control. Cosmo, Meow-Me, Coco, Felix and Boomer are all alright.

Stinky the stray will be released once he stops sneezing, possibly in another day or two.

We're sorry for being scarce the last few days but it's really stressful at the moment. We'll come by to visit as soon as we can!  

In the meantime, if you have purrs to spare, we'll appreciate if you could send them over!  :)


brokenteepee said...

Poor things! We send you lots and lots of goat hugs.

Random Felines said...

yikes....we certainly understand and hope everyone is feeling better soon!! (poor Ling)

Unknown said...

Oh no.... we hope all is well soon. No worries we see you when we see you. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Marg said...

It definitely is very stressful to have so many sick all at the same time. Glad to hear that they are getting better. Take care.


Oh we are so sorry all of you have been in quarantine because of illness. WE are purring for each one of you to get better.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Sending lot of (((purrs))) to the sickie's !
Hope you all are well real soon !

The Monkeys said...

We had a flu like that that went through our house when Iggy first came to live with us. Bella had to be force-fed and Sam and Delilah would only eat very stinky wet food. We know how frustrating it is and we send so many purrs that you all feel better soon!

Sweet Purrfections said...

We hope everyone is back to normal soon.

Photo Cache said...

awww poor babies. hope you all feel better soon. tutu you do get the prime spot we think and you get to sleep with your daddeh too.

emma and buster

Clooney said...

Oh no kitties! We are revving up our purr machines and sending huge purrs and prayers your way for Ling, Tutu and Stinky all to get better and feel better ASAP! Purrs to all the others for them to be protected and feel good. Thinking of all you sweeties.

Anonymous said...

Aw, sweeties! We're sending all of our comforting purrs right over this very instant! PURRS....

Unknown said...

We feel like crap when we get colds...just imagine how they are feeling poor babies! So glad you are keeping them separated so they can all get well Mum!
Lots of Purrs coming your way,
Miss Kitty & Mum

Fuzzy Tales said...

Yikes, you have your hands and paws full! Ling's drool and facial expression are priceless--no words necessary.

Mega-purrs from us, we hope everyone is back to 100% VERY SOON!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

kittehs furst...blogging 376th....

purrz...ya got em...
get well best fishes..ewe got em...
de blessings oh St Francis....ewe got em two....

we trooly hope everee one gets ta feelin WAY better,reely quik N ewe all R on de road ta ree coveree sew quik, ya getz a speedin tickit.. ore 10 !!

CATachresis said...

You really have your work cut out!! Mummy and daddy are doing a great job! Still purring like crazypants here xox

Quill and Greyson said...

We are sending our purrs to you!!

Mariodacat said...

Oh dear, I'm starting to purr like crazy. I had no idea everyone was sick. M says your pawparents are so extra good to you, and we know they are doing everything they can do to help you get well. purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, purrs to ALL of you...

Brian's Home Blog said...

Get well soon everyone. We just hate it y'all are not feeling good :(

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sending lots of sibe vibes for all to be feeling so much better very soon.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

The Island Cats said...

We're purring that Tutu and Ling are feeling better real soon...and poor Stinky stops sneezing...and things get back to normal for all of you.

Oui Oui said...

Oh, do you ever have your hands full! So sorry everyone is sick. They say no good deed ever goes unpunished. We're purring for everyone!

Gigi said...

Oh sooooooo sorries that kitties are still feeling punky, though we know that Stinky didn't mean to make anykitty sick. I am sooooo glad Tutu is eating on her own, and feel sorry to poor Ling having the fudz shoveled on in. But Mom's gotta do what Mom's gotta do, and she needs some nutrition. I am so sorry for all of you that I actually....wait for it now...feel bad for Boomer! I really do. He misses his partner in crime! Sleep well, everyone, and we hope tomorrow is a better day! XOXOXO

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Aww, I'm sending you all big purrs that things go back to normal soon!!

Mollie said...

Oh what a poorly house you have at the moment. Sending all our love and prayers that Tutu and Ling start eating properly, so we can see some wapping and playing photo's . xxooxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Anonymous said...

Oh, we are just so sorry to hear you sweeties are sick. Congestion is just no fun at all. We will send up prayers you both get well very soon and you all can once again be together and go where you want in the house. Hugs and nose kisses

Hannah and Lucy said...

We're sending extra purrs and gentle headbutts today and hope every cat feels much better very soon.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Furry Bottoms said...

Poor Ling, Awe!!! The drool freaked me out. As long as you know thats from the cold not something else. Are you allowed to give fluids through a non-needle syringe? We do that sometimes with Freddy to force fluid in him when he refuses to eat or drink. We heat up a little chicken broth and fill the syringe up with that and put it in his mouth. Sometimes it works miracles.

I was very happy to see Whisky today!

Terri said...

That just plain isn't fair that kitties got colds. We'll send lots of purrs and hugs to them. We're glad Tutu is eating and feel so sorry for Ling :(

RedSetter said...

We're sending all our purrs and love. This must be such a stressful and hard time but thanks for updating us. Hoping everyone is back on form soon. That is one really unhappy looking Ling.

ps. could Whisky get any cuter looking?

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh dear. Ling looks rather like Mommy did a couple days ago...yakking. PURRSSSSS!!!

Willow said...

Poor babies needing to be in quarantined. Purrs for the icky cold to be cured and back to their selves.

BeadedTail said...

We're so worried about everykitty and are sending get well purrs!

Katie said...

Oh no, we are so sorry to hear this! Sending purrs AND piggy kisses to get better. xo

haopee said...

Tutu, Ling and Stinky. Wow. The flu! I've never seen cats have it before. Does this mean that Whisky is immune to it?

Anyway, do get better! Christmas is coming and we won't you getting the sickies by then.

Tamago said...

Oh no Tutu and Ling, We hope you get better soon! And Stinky, too. Poor babies. Sending tons of purring to you.

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, you poor kitties! We are purring and praying super hard that you all get well soon. Big hugs!

A Tonk's Tail said...

Allie: oh poor Ling! How miserable!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

wow, how far behind am I in my reading..

Those are some very sorry looking kitties, hopefully they are all feeling better now..

Kitties Blue said...

We hate that you have a sickly crew. Once one kitty gets a cold it is hard to keep the others from getting it. You've done a great job isolating them. That never works around here. Hope efurrybuddy who is sickly will soon be all well. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo