Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday, TUTU!

Tutu : Look what Mommy brought home! She says it's my birthday present. But what's so nice about water I can't play with?
Tutu : Oooooohhhhh!
Tutu : Hello little do you like your new home?
Tutu : I love Fish TV!
Tutu : *HIGH FIVE* right back at ya!
Tutu : What are you staring at, Gourami Fishie? Never seen such a pretty kitty before?
Boomer : Whoa! Check out those round yellow ones! *licks lips*
Boomer : Dang it. My snack is protected by a forcefield!
Cosmo : It's going to take a while before they make a worthy snack. Can we give them more food, Mommy?
Ling : I choose THAT one!
Tutu : What? I've to share my presents? That's so wrong!
We're sorry for having been gone for so long. Mommy found it too hard to blog after Whisky's passing. Tutu was also grieving for Whisky which caused her to gain quite a bit of weight and she lost her desire to play and interest in things around her. She also stopped eating treats she used to share with Whisky. It took a while before Mommy realized the cause of Tutu's inactivity but once she did, she spent a lot of time helping Tutu recover and she's now back to her usual playful self though she still won't eat treats (still working on this!). She's also lost the weight she gained with the increased activity and a change in diet.

Then Mommy's maternal Grandmother left for the skies on November 17, 2014. On December 3, 2014, our tortoise sister, Dino, left for the bridge. January 6, 2015 saw Mommy's paternal Grandfather leave for the skies too. It's been a very challenging year and we are purraying for a better year ahead.

We are going to focus on the good things to come, starting with Tutu's 3rd Birthday today and we hope you will join us in celebrating her special day!


CATachresis said...

Happy Birthday Tutu! That is an awesome present!!

It's so good to see you back after such an awful year you've had!! x0x

Random Felines said...

HAPPY Birthday Tutu!!! How nice of your mom to get you that fish tank. Good luck with the forcefield though.

We are sorry the last few months have been so hard and are sending purrs for a brighter future.

Tamago said...

Happy birthday to Tutu! That fish tank is so cool!
I'm very happy to see you all back but so sorry it's been so difficult. Poor sweet Tutu, she took Whisky's passing really hard. Glad she is feeling better and I hope helping Tutu helped mom herself heal as well. I wish lots of laughter, joy and happiness ahead of you xoxo

Fuzzy Tales said...

Happy birthday, Tutu! We can't believe you got real live fish TV for your birthday. How awesome is that?!

We know 2014 was a terrible year for you and we're sending purrs and purrayers that 2015 is much, much better from here on in.


Unknown said...

So sorry to read that things have been so hard on you. No worries you take all the time you need to heal and we will be here waiting patiently. Gentle hugs from us.
Best wishes Molly

Ingrid said...

A very happy birthday to you ! I can understand your grief, I had this with my cat Lisa who changed completely after the death of her companion Max. Cats grief too !
The fish tank is the best cat TV !

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...


Happy birthday sweet girl. I love your gift you got, and I bet you will enjoy it a lot.

I'm so sorry to hear things have been so difficult for you. I can only imagine knowing how much your love for Whisppy came through your blog.. Sending purrs of healing and condolence and here is hoping joy is soon to follow

Annie Bear said...

I am soooo happy to see you guys here!! Happy birthday to sweet, dear Tutu! Tutu, your mommy rocks for getting you fish TV. I'm so glad you're doing better but know you miss Whisky, like your mommy and well, a lot of us. Have a really wonderful day celebrating!

The Daily Pip said...

I'm sorry it has been such a painful years. Sending much love and support across the miles.

Happy Birthday Tutu!!!'

Marg said...

We are sorry it has been such a rough year for all of you. Happy Happy Birthday to you Tutu from Two Two. We so hope you have a wonderful day.

Terri said...

We are sad to hear about your losses! Lots of hugs and purrs to you.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Tutu! We are so glad to see you again. Looks like you hit the jackpot :-)

BeadedTail said...

Happy Birthday Tutu! We can't believe you're 3 already! How pawesome you got fishies for your birthday!

We're sorry to hear about all your losses. We understand how it makes it hard to want to blog. We're glad Tutu is doing better though. We're sending purrayers that 2015 is a wonderful year for everybuddy! (((hugs)))

Photo Cache said...

Oh we missed all of you so much. We kept bugging our mommy to email your mommy to check on all of you.

Happy happy birthday dear Tutu. Hugs to your humans.

Emma and Buster


We have missed your blog very very much and are so happy to see everyone. Happy happy Birthday Tutu my sweet. We love your fishie tank. We are so very sorry about all the losses. We think of you often and keep you in our prayers.

Life with Ragdolls said...

Happy Birthday, beautiful Tutu!

meowmeowmans said...

We are so sorry you've all had such a difficult year. We are purring and praying that this year is filled with joy and blessings.

Happy birthday, Tutu! We love you, and hope your day is wonderful.

Pee ess: we missed you all very much, and are very happy to see you again. Hugs!

Elephant's Child said...

I am so very sorry for all of your losses.
Love Tutu's present. Both of our cats love our much bigger acquarium and Jazz warms his belly on the light, while looking/ogling/dreaming of the fish below.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday beautiful Tutu! We sure hate you have all had such a rough time of it.

Mr Puddy said...

Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Tutu
I hope everything turn to be pawsome for you at this year !
Do whatever you feel comfortable is probably the best ! You know we all here is always be your friend and do love you :)
Have fun with da fish !

Ps : I want one of those !

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy birthday Tutu!
Hugs to all of you

da tabbies o trout towne said... fishes ♫♫♫ mice creem dishes ♪♪♪ N happee day wishes ♫♫♫♫ two ewe N heerz ta a best birthday yet....we hope yur yeer a ehad bee filled with happee nezz & health...

we R sew lovin de fish tanx !! if we R a loud ta pix a fish for...ree view..we think de gold fish looks tastee....uh, we meen de gold fish looks reely kewl ♥♥

{ sorry the end of 2014 was filled with so much sadness ♥♥♥ }

Angel Prancer Pie said...

That is a pawsome present!
Happy Birthday Tutu!

We hope things get better for your Mommy. Sending purrs and universal light.

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Tutu! We love your Fish TV! That's one program we have never seen.

We're happy to see all of you back, too. Purrs that this year is much better.

Unknown said...

Three!!! Three!!! Mes can't believes it!! Oh my cod||||||! Yous all growed up! Mes can remember when yous was just a little kitten!
Now Mes will sing the song for yous!!!
*•.¸¸♪♫•Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•¸¸.•*
¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear Tuuuuuuu Tuuuuuuuuu!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•
PS, wes sending your Mommy much love and lots of hugs. It has been a sad year for her and wes can understand her pain.

Cats Herd You said...

Happy birthday, Tutu! It looks like you got some fantastic birthday gifts. A fish TV looks like it's going to provide hours and hours of entertainment!

Katie Isabella said...

Happy birthday you precious dear little beautiful girl. I remember every bit of your life and coming to live with your loving family. I have loved you all this time.

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Birthday to you Tutu!!!!

Little Miss Titch said...

Happy Birthday Tutu,great presents you have even if you have to share,hugs and kisses,xx Speedy and Rachel

Sasha said...

we hope they are very calm fish.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

WOW , you got your own fishtank , Tutu ?!
I hope they are tasty , I mean fun to watch :)


Me and my mom-person are so HAPPY that you are back and hope this year will be a brighter and not so sad year !!


pilch92 said...

Happy Birthday cutie! I am sorry your family has had such a difficult time, I pray for better times ahead.

Just Mags said...

Happy Birthday adorable Tutu! Wow, that is some very nice fish TV and look at all the toys you got. All of you are going to enjoy that TV and the new toys too.

We were so happy to see a post from you, we have missed you very much but we understand why you were not blogging. We are thrilled to see that you all are doing better. Love, hugs and nose kisses. Pooh, Mumsy and family

Clooney said...

Happy Birthday Dear Tutu! What a fabulous gift from Mommy...Fish TV! That's very cool! We so wish and purr for a year ahead that is kind and gentle to you and brings lightness and joy. We love you all.

Cleopawtra said...

We understand about bad years, ours was 1995. Our prayers and purrs go to you all. Happy birthday to Tutu. And glad to have you back to the blog. Remember things will get better with each passing day and the heartache won't be so great. Keep all the good memories close to your heart and think of them often.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh Tutu!! We didn't see this til now! We hope that you had a wonderful birthday and that you are becoming happier (((hugs))) We are so desperately sorry for all of the huge losses you have had to endure in 2014. We pray that 2015 is MUCH kinder to you and full of only GOOD things! Love, Cody and Caren

Pretinha said...

Querida Tutu, nós estávamos com saudades de vocês, desejamos de todo o coração que 2015 seja um bom ano para sua família.
Feliz Aniversário!!!

A Tonl said...

Oh Tutu, happy (uh, waaay belated) Birfday!! We're so sorry it took this long to say hello! We're sooo glad you're back - and believe us - we totally understand how hard it is to come back after such a great loss. MANY hugs - and you do this however much or little feels right and we'll be here!! :-)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, we are WAY late, but Happy Birfday Tutu! said...

Fish tanks are supposed to lower people's blood pressure- probably has the opposite effect on cats!
Happy belated birthday Tutu.

Hope the rest of 2015 brings you nothing but joy.

sYun said...

Welcome back meow meow!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy birthday Tutu! Wow, what great presents!

Sending lots of hugs for all of your losses.
So glad you are back!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

^.,^ x5 Happy Birfday Tutu!!!!U gotz sum really good prezantz!!!
we uzed 2 have fishin de house 2....... fur sum reason dey livez longer owtside efen in de freezin cold!!! ^..^ ???
Owr mom haz had a hard time gettin back 2 de blog(s) in fact 2day iz de furst time she haz gone in and taken a look at HER blog...... hope she'z not thinkin ov openin it back up Be4 owrz!!! *steam comin owtta earz*
She sayz FB iz better... not so "time consooming" ...... ^..^ Well we no where 2 find u guyz ^.,^ x5

Happy Birfday Sweet gurl!! ♥♥♥XXXXX

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

That is a great present, Tutu!
We are sending our gentlest head bumpies to your human....and purrs.
the kitty brats

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Happy Birthday dear Tutu! You gotted the bestest purrsents and Fish TV! Wow - you haz to share with your fur siblings though.

Katie Kat.

Unknown said...

The pictures are soooo cute!!! Soon you will celebrate your birthday again!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys....eye noe ewe may knot even see thiz commint but if ewe due... pleas noe eye wanted ta say thanx 777 bazillion timez for
yur kindnezz two me & me familee last week
sorree for de message paste type for mat…….lovez all wayz
boomer ♥

World of Animals, Inc said...

Happy Birthday to you Tutu!!! What a great gift any kitty would want is a bunch of fishes. We can see your excitement in the photos. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
World of Animals

Zeke said...

This is very interesting, Thank you for sharing your article. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further post thanks once again.
kampus sehat

Katie Isabella said...

And Tutu, I have loved you forever it seems. XXXXX