Whisky broke up a potential fight between this spotted cat (whom I have never seen before) with the resident tomcat (Felix's father). As the cat was cornered, I took the risk of petting it and it didn't seem to mind. So I took a bigger risk by scruffing it and it just hung limp. Seizing this opportunity, I checked and found it to be a male cat, probably no older than 8 months.
Boomerang just after he was caught |
I put him into a carrier and made an appointment to have him neutered the same evening (I caught him in the morning).
That was on Thursday, 28 April 2011. I released him on Sunday but he refuses to leave, rubbing all over my legs everytime he sees me (which makes me feel like a giant catnip). I decided to name him Boomerang since he comes back everytime I throw him out. LOL.
Boomer : You're safe under my watchful eyes! |
Boomer keeps me company |
Boomer takes his role as guardcat very seriously |
It does feel really nice to have a "bodyguard" everytime I go outside. He follows me everywhere I go! We feed him twice a day and he has a clean bowl of water to drink from.
This is Felix's dad and the current resident Tomcat. I'm still trying to capture him to get him neutered but he is very wary of humans. He used to be a very handsome cat when he first arrived but with all the fighting to maintain his territory, his face is now riddled with scars. |
Felix's father was brought to the neighbourhood by a new neighbour almost 2 years ago. The neighbour didn't have him neutered and allowed him to roam and now they do not even feed him. We hear him calling and fighting almost on a daily basis now that another intact male (black cat) has started challenging his territory.