Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lazy Weekend

The hot weather is relentless!  It makes us all sleepy and lazy....
I think I'll sleep here while Mummy changes the sheets on my bed


OOpsss...I'm having a little trouble falling asleep.....maybe a treat will help, Mummy?
Have a great weekend, everyone!


Paul said...

ZZZZZZzzzzzzz .... oops,saliva also come out already! That's life ;)

Berts Blog said...

well, at least you look comfy.

Stay cool


Katnip Lounge said...

We're hot too! You guys have the right idea...and treats DO help you sleep! A growling tummy is too hard to ignore.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes indeed, comfy looks like the thought of the day! Have a great Sunday!

Mr Puddy said...

You all have the right to remain silence ! zzzZZZZZZ
Happy Easy Sunday

Willow said...

Ask for some warm milk that seems to help the humans sleep.

Ellen Whyte said...

A nice warm bed, that helps :-)

BeadedTail said...

Treats help everything! Hope you all stay cool!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Boomerang..come get me..let's go sailing on my ship..

Annie Bear said...

Hi Guys!

Thanks so much for your sweet note! We miss you all too! We're returning to blogging next week.

I hope it's not too hot there. You guys sure have the right idea. Snoozing and treats are always the best!

The Island Cats said...

We've been acting pretty much the same way...

Neri said...

hope you got that treat, cosmo!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are sure you'll sleep well on a nice clean bed especially if you have to nom a treat or two before taking your nap.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Remington said...

My kind of weekend!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

So nice to see you had come for a visit.
Yes over the years I have grown to love all my wild visitors. I keep fresh water out for the wild life because the lake is about a half a mile away so they all need fresh clean water to drink everyday. I see deer and fox drinking real often out back. I have seen skunk too but not often.
They are a pleasure to watch. I feed the birds and the hummers too.
xx, Fern

Ingrid said...

Can't you send me a few degrees ? It's not enough warm at the English coast to lay around without a pullover or fur coat !