Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday : I'm BORED


Paul said...

ME TOO but still gotta work! How nice to be a 'house' cat, no worries. That's life.

Finn said...

I know, I know, the life of leisure is so tough!!! I like your stretch!

Mr Puddy said...

Mommy have to responsible about this !

Hannah and Lucy said...

We daren't say that her Whisppy - mum finds us jobs to do!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, it is horrible when the comfy gets boring!

Remington said...

You can always come over to my house and play football....

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Yep, you look bored but if you fall asleep you can dream you are busy, hahameow!

Unknown said...

Where's a piece of string when you need it?! =^..^=

Oskar said...

I wish I could come & play with you!

Nubbin wiggles,

Admiral Hestorb said...

you come over here..we play!

Tamago said...

Oh I wish I could be there to play with you! Or give you a good brushing. I'm good at it - one of my boys loves my brushing technique :-)

Gigi said...

SURELY you can find some kind of trouble to get into?

BeadedTail said...

We bet there's something fun to do around there! If not, naps are always good!

unikorna said...

I had a boy just like this one but smb took it away from me, breaking my heart. Exactly how many cats do you have? I have 3 adults and 3 kittens :).

Photo Cache said...

You're bored? Come over we're practicing dance steps for Dancing with the Stars !

Emma and Buster

Willow said...

The lazy days of summer can sometimes become the boring days try mixing it up with a wand toy that cures boredom.

Ellen Whyte said...

Pounce on the dog!!! Just a suggestion :-)

James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie Bear said...

Awwww, Cosmo, you're so cute. You need to go cause some trouble to relieve your boredom. Maybe you could get a new toy!

It's interesting that you cry sometimes at night too. Kitties just love to drive their mama's crazy. :)

Hugs to you all!

p.s. I made a comment under my husband's profile accidentally. That's why there's a delete above.

Clooney said...

I hope you don't stay too bored for too long...maybe the weekend will bring some interesting activities your way. Have a good weekend folks!

Ingrid said...

Me too and also my cats ! it rains !

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Golden Hello! Passing by to say Lots of Golden Thanks for your Barkday Wishes. I had a PAWSOME 10th Barkday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar