Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday : CAUTION! Work-block Ahead!


~CovertOperations78~ said...

Adorable fuzzy tummies! This is why I can't work from home or bring work home! Too many cuddly distractions!

Mr Puddy said...

My mom don't mind if got " work Block " Like you ; )

Finn said...

Perfect excuse not to work!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Those tummies are delectable. Let me snuggle with those.

The Monkeys said...

There's no way any human is going to get any work done with you two being so gorgeous!

Hannah and Lucy said...

No work would get done if our mum was sat there looking at those gorgeous tum tums.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Berts Blog said...

He He....I love this post.


animal lover, quilt lover said...

I love kitties too!! They are so much easier to care for then dogs!!! You don't have to walk them!!! They love to sleep!!
xx, Tinker & Fern
PS, Tinker is a very happy girl!!!

Marg said...

Yup, you are sure blocking the work area and doing a purrfect job of it too. You look so darn comfy. Take care.
Yes, it would cost a fortune to ship something to you from the auction. We figured it out on the last auction and it is very expensive. Darn it all, that is too bad.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is just about as comfy as is possible!!!

The Daily Pip said...

Super cute!

Your pal, Pip

Remington said...

WOWZERS! You must work REALLY hard to have to sleep at your desk!

BeadedTail said...

You two are a welcomed work block!

Unknown said...

You say wordblock... I say welcome distraction!! =^..^=

Tamago said...

How adorable!! It is impossible to work if I see these gorgeous tummies in front of me! Their sweet faces also make me want to take a nap with them :-)

Annie Bear said...

Now that's my idea of working! I would love to be distracted by these two cuties!

The Island Cats said...

No work is gonna get done today, we see!!

Gigi said...

My Human would like to know if you will stay there till she can come over and bury her face in your tummy?

neri said...

my favorite kind of road-blocks!

Ingrid said...

I suddenly feel tired ... lol !

unikorna said...

Somebody needs some attention, maybe even a belly rub. Or he plans to send some emails?

Oskar said...

That looks like a great job!

Nubbin wiggles,

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Yes Kitties and their naps!!
Tinker never thinks we have walked enough!!! Tinker sleeps less then any other dog I have ever had!!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Oh I didn't know your name meant soup in Chinese!!! Thank you for telling me!!!
Does your Mom make soup Whisppy???

Jenny Woolf said...

I sometimes feel like that in front of my computer, too :)

Ellen Whyte said...

Work block yes but also tummy fuzzle opportunity! Super cute pic.