Sunday, October 9, 2011

What A Week!

What a week it's been!

First, we find out that our cousin dog, Barkie ran away from home a week ago and have yet to be found, despite all efforts to locate her.  We remain hopeful that she will return home soon.

Then Felix started to frequent the litter box and only peeing tiny amounts.  While this isn't good, at least we knew he wasn't blocked as his bladder was empty and he was still his happy playful self. We brought him to the vet and he is now on a course of antibiotics.  The vet thinks it may be due to stress.  He has stopped frequenting the litter box as of today and his litter habits are back to normal.  Yeay!!

Bernie, our bunny started squinting in his right eye about 2 days ago.  He too, is his usual self in every other way except that his eye is red which we think could have been caused by having a piece of hay poke his eye. We will rinse it out with saline and hopefully the redness clears up.

It's been a very tiring week and we are a little behind in commenting.  We may be late, but we'll get there!  Wait for us....

Love, Whisky and the furries


Oskar said...

Boy, what a week. I hope everyone is better soon!

Nubbin wiggles,

Fr. Tom Fish said...

With all the little furries, you sound like Dr. Doolittle! :)

Everybody gets the sickies, but when there's an easy cure, it's such a relief. Take care, furriends!


BeadedTail said...

We hope Barkie comes home soon! We're purring that efurryone stays well!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Oh my what a week !
Hope that Barkie are coming home soon and that Bernie´s eye will be fine !
Glad to hear that the pills worked on Felix !

Ingrid said...

Poor you, you had a little hospital at home. Fortunately Felix is OK again !

Katnip Lounge said...

What a week, indeed! We will purr for Barkie to find his way home, and soon! His pawrents must be a wreck.

Brian's Home Blog said...

No kidding, that really was quite a week. We will all purr for sweet Barkie to return safely. I sure am glad everyone else is on the mend.

Annie Bear said...

Oh no! So much going on! I really hope Barkie comes home! I'm so sorry to hear this.

I hope Felix doesn't has stones. I'm very glad to hear that he's back to peeing normally. Also, I hope Bernie's eye feels better.

You guys take care!

Unknown said...

I got really upset when Mr Darcy was ill a month or so back so goodness knows what it must have been like for you with all of this happening in one week!
I will keep my fingers crossed that Barkie is found safe and sound very soon, and please give Felix and Bernie get well hugs from me x

Tamago said...

Oh you did have quite a week!
I am so sorry Barkie is missing...I hope she will come back very soon.
I'm glad Felix is well now. And I hope redness of Bernie's eye will go away.
I pray everything will be ok soon and you can have a good rest.

Finn said...

Hope this week is looking up for you!

Ten-the-Cat said...

Purry Goodness!

Hope Barkie purry comes home soon.
Hope Bernie's purry eye gets well soon.
Hope Felix stays purry okay.

Purry Love from Ten

p/s Hope my little brothers & sister find purry new homes, too.

The Island Cats said...

Whew! When it rains it pours...doesn't it? We sure hope Barkie comes home soon. And we are purring that Felix and Bernie are feeling better soon.

Quill and Greyson said...

Hope everyone is well soon!

Gigi said...

Oh my! We are sending purrs to you. That's a lot of worries, my furiends!

Mr Puddy said...

Lots of purrs to you all !
Paws crossed for all things get better ! and all bad will disappear !

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope Barkie comes back home soon, Bernie's eye gets better and Felix stays well.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg said...

Wow, you sure have had a busy week. We sure hope they find your cousins dog. Hope no one stole him.
Hope the kitty gets all better. Sending lots of purrs to him. And the poor rabbit. Hope that eye gets better. Your house sounds just like mine. Take care.

unikorna said...

Probably you need a vacation but I know haw hard it is to go away from your pets, you get always worried, you cannot enjoy it at all. I wish you an easy week with lovely events...
I miss Boomerang and Cosmo...

Admiral Hestorb said...

As long as things are going pretty well...I am hoping these are just small bumps in the road. Tell Boomie I love him.

Remington said...

That was quite a week! Let's hope for a better one this week!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Oh yes, I agree with Remington hope this week is much better.
I surely hope Barkie shows up safely!!!! That is so what I worried about with Tinker!! Good luck all.
xx, Fern & Happy cat

Photo Cache said...

you need thi week to relax. we are glad felix is alright.

Emma and Buster

Anonymous said...

I too hope Barkie is found soon. I will send positive thoughts his way for him to find his way home.

Gigi said...

Still sending purrs that Barkie will be found.

amanda said...

hope Barkie finds his way home, hope Felix gets better and that Bernie's eye is alright. What a tough week. Hang in there. Rio from Barcelona

Admiral Hestorb said...

Is Barkie homes yet? xoxoxoxo

Ellen Whyte said...

Man that's rough. Hope Barkie finds his way back home ASAP. Call if you need help.

Clooney said...

Purrs to Felix, Barkie, Bernie and your Mom from us. We will keep everyone in our thoughts and hope that Barkie will be found. We hope that everyone keeps getting better and same with the week!