Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday : SAY WHAT?

Note from Mummy :
Barkie has not yet found her way home, Felix's litter habits are back to normal, Bernie is on antibiotic eye drops so the inflammation and redness should hopefully clear up in the next few days.  Thanks for the purrs and prayers!


Mr Puddy said...

Ling, You are so cute with those curious eyes, and Whisky..Are you for real ? Too cute to be a woofie !

And Hooray for Barkie ! and I send more purrs for Bernie

LOts of Hugs

Ingrid said...

How cute ! Hope that Barkie finds her way home and that the eye drops help Bernie !

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such beautiful pics! We are all still purring for sweet Barkie.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope Barkie comes home - have you put notices up?
What are you looking at Ling - did you hear the treats pack rattling?
Whisky are you watching us watching you?
We are purring that Bernie's eye drops will clear the inflamation.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Admiral Hestorb said...

Barkie, you get home THIS minute!!!

Felix, kisses to you. When you can Felix, tell Boomie hugs and kisses from me. Thank you.

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

Did Barkie have a micro-chip or I.D.? We're keeping our paws crossed for him.

The Monkeys said...

We're purring for Barkie to make it home safely!

You two look VERY surprised!

Marg said...

Gosh, we are sending lots of purrs and woofs that Barkie comes home. That is so sad. We do really like the pictures today. They are really terrific. Have a fun day.

Remington said...

Love the pics and happy to hear things are getting better. Hope Barkie arrives back home safely....

Unknown said...

Ooh look at those saucer eyes - I call this the 'puss in boots' look - if you've seen Shrek you'll know what I mean!! =^..^=
Also we will keep our fingers and paws crossed for Barkie x

BeadedTail said...

We're purring for Barkie to come home safely!

Are you eyes big because there's a treat bag opening?

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi there !
You really are looking like a curious cat in that picture :)
Hope that Barkie is finding the way home SOOOON !!!

The Island Cats said...

What cute pictures of you two!

Ellen Whyte said...

Sounds like it's major stress time. Hope you find Barkie.

Gigi said...

My, my! What a l-o-n-g neck you have! Purrs for Barkie.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I am so sorry about Barkie!
Love your pictures tho!!!
xx, Happy (cat) & Fern

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh my MY!

Photo Cache said...

priceless expressions on their faces.

purrs are always coming from us,
Emma and Buster

Clooney said...

Oh you two are very cute! Glad about Felix and Bernie, but sorry about Barkie. Continued purrs from us. And thank you for your comment about Inka, we appreciate it.

Tamago said...

Oh what cute photos!! Big, round, pretty eyes :-)
I'm sorry Barkie has not come back yet. I keep praying for her safe return.

yuki and rocket said...

Paws crossed barkie can find the way back home or a kind stranger can bring barkie home. My German shepherd was lost and was with a family for two weeks but we were reunited with her again, so hopefully this is what has happened.

yuki and rocket

amanda said...

Barkie....please come home soon! sniff sniff sniff and find your way home, thats the way, boy! purrs, Rio from Barcelona

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We are trying to catch up with visitng, and we are glad everyone is feeling better again!