Saturday, November 26, 2011

Silvervine P-Low

This smells interesting...

My head feels very heavy all of a sudden

*bite bite chew*

*kick kick KICK!*

Ewww.  Look at the drool on this thing

Drool or no drool, I can't seem to stop myself from rubbing against it

Help!  My legs feel like jelly and I can't stand up....


Hannah and Lucy said...

We know how you feel - that Silvervine is furry potent! It's great to have fun with isn't it?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Great time fur sure! One of these days I hope to try some of that stuff!!!

Berts Blog said...

I sure hope the headache you have when you wake up will be worth it.

I think I better have My Vickie go get some of that for Allred (Devil Cat)

Maybe he will have as much fun as you are having and stop picking on me.


Cat-from-Sydney said...

I want one too....purrr....meow!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh MY! I think that looks furry interesting and furry much fun!

Tell Boomie that my company is gone now and I can take over my household again! xoxox

Marg said...

That sure looks like great stuff, that Silvervine. Sure made you a little tipsy. Love the great pictures. Have a wonderful Saturday.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Whatever is in that, we'd like some too! xx

Katnip Lounge said...

It does the same thing to us! Mommy has to hide our pillow so it can dry out.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Guess it was some real good Nip in that ??!!

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, that looks super fun! Must be some strong catnip in that toy.

Your pal, Pip

BeadedTail said...

That looks like some good stuff! Is it legal to have something so good?

The Island Cats said...

We've never heard of silvervine until we saw Lucy and Hannah with it the other day. What interesting stuff!!

Gigi said...

OMC! What *IS* that stuff??? It looks furry EXCITING!

Ellen Whyte said...

hehehe, kitty kollapso!

Photo Cache said...

hahaha! you crack us up!

emma and buster

yuki and rocket said...

Aww cute!! Hey do they make those for dogs, we want whatevers inside that thing...hee hee

yuki and rocket

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Happy says she wants some of that stuff!!!!! She wants it bad!!!!
xx. Happy & Fern

Remington said...

Did someone have "a little" too much fun there....ha ha!

Ingrid said...

Humans have the same feelings with glasses ! (when some Whisky or Wodka is inside)

Clooney said...

Whoa, kitties! Theese one must be a good one! We haven't heard of silvervine before...but I'd sure like to get my paws on some of it! Great pics.

Fur Everywhere said...

Carmine and Milita say that looks like fun! :)

animal lover, quilt lover said...

We loved Mr Brown!!!
It is cold here today!!!!!!!! Real cold!!! about 38 degrees at 9:23 AM!!!! You have it warm????

Admiral Hestorb said...

Boomie...I'll lay on one side of the ess and you on the other..we'll meet in the middle. xoxox

Oskar said...

It looks like you are very relaxed, BOL!

Nubbin wiggles,

Tamago said...

LOL!! It must have really good nip in it :-)
Drool or no drool...ha ha ha, you are so funny!

Anonymous said...

We call that kicking "The back feet shuffle". and we have a cat Tabby with similar markings to your sweetie here - keep having fun!

Not sure why the blog won't let me use my Google id

For those reading this, check out my cat blog archives for some informative posts and archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.
Debby in Arizona

Gigi said...

My paw is tap-tap-tapping waiting for your Human to help you blog again!!! Hi furiends!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

It is another cold morning here in Florida!!!! We have had 2 cold winters in 09 and 10 and now again in 11 it sure is starting out that way!!!
Love your pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xx, Zoie, Happy & Fern

Gigi said...

Hi Furriends! We hoap u are all happy and cozy and having good noms. XOXOXO

Gigi said...

Hmmm. Spitty's tapping his impatient little paw here.

sillylupie said...

Haahhahahahahhahahahh .... :)