Monday, January 30, 2012

Me And My Vine

Hellooooo little vine leaf...long time no see
Excuse me while I wipe my ears
:: nibble ::
Lala ladi di dum
Ah...Little vine I love you so...
HEY ... Shoo!
::grumble grumble::
Can't a mancat enjoy his vine leaf in peace?
For those who are interested in getting some silvervine for your kitties, do visit Alice's Cat Shop. We get our supply of leaves and silvervine P-Low from her and best of all, her stuff are of great quality AND she ships international at a very reasonable rate.


Paul said...

Hahahaha, so nice if it has same effect on human! But the price will gonna go up!!!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Whoa! Is this stuff more potent than nip? purrr....meow!

Stitchabilities said...

LOL I got some on ebay for my cats, and it turned my placid chilled out cat into a vicious monster!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Cosmo that is just how Lucy goes when she has these leaves too - Hannah enjoys them too but she is more "lady like"!! These humans don't know what they're missing - still that leaves more silvervine for us discerning cats.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Mariodacat said...

Wow - you got that nipped out on the vine? It was such a tiny7 piece too.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwww such a cute pics!!! Yay for enjoying your silverine!! The little sweetie is just curious and wants some too!! :-)

Take care

neri said...

i love the mostest the last pic - Cosmo's expression is priceless! and despite just seeing Merlene's back, i could tell she's all "HI! WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING??" LOL

Brian's Home Blog said...

That sure looks like a fun way to start the week!!!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Happy had a great week-end with her cat nip too. If we had had the camera out we could have some pictures that looked a lot like yours!!!!
xx, Happy, Zoie & Fern

Remington said...

You certainly seem to be enjoying your vine, my friend!

Photo Cache said...

what lovely pics. you really are enjoying that thing, aren't you.

emma and buster

Dachshund Nola said...

My kitty sister would love this!
Dachshund Nola

Mr Puddy said...

That stuff look Pawsome !!!! I hope I can have some here ! Have to ask mom to find out !

BeadedTail said...

We love our powder and we bet the Customs people are enjoying the leaves too! Thank you for sending them to us!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

That wine seems to be a good one :)


Now that is some great stuff!

The Daily Pip said...

That last picture is SO CUTE!! Love the way they are looking at each other.

Your pal, Pip

Katie Isabella said...

Merlene you are just my DARLING! Well, mommy's darling. You are so adorable mom can hardly stand it!!!

PS Boomie...xoxoxoxoxo

The Island Cats said...

We ordered a couple of vine pillows and we cannot wait to get them!!

Ellen Whyte said...

haha, we love the way you roll :-)

A Tonl said...

FaRADaY: *paws thru Mommy's purse* we gonna order somma that vine NOW! Quick! Maxie! Distract Mommy while I figure out this keyboard thingy!!

Gigi said...

Maybe she knows the super-secret trick to getting those leaves past the mean people at Los Angeles customs. I'll bet THEIR cats had a real good time with MY leafs!!!

Ingrid said...

You changed the "Rolling Stones" to the "Rolling Wine leaf" !! and you are rolling very well (rock I don't know ) lol ! Toddlers are really annoying even when they are cat toddlers !

Marg said...

As usual great pictures and here comes Merlene to get in on the act. That Silvervine does look like terrific stuff. WE love you too Merlene. Hope all of you have a great day.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Cat nip is very good and we are going to try wheat grass next spring thank you for showing yours !!!!!
xx, Happy & Fern

Anonymous said...

Bahahaha funny! Love the last shot! ;o)

Gigi said...

It looks like you love your towel as much as I love mine!

haopee said...

The Leaf I can deal with... a dead carcass of some unknown animal...

Nice last shot.

Huggies and Cheese,


Tamago said...

Ohhh, silvervine! It's a good nip! Looks like you are enjoying a lot:-)
I love all these fun photos!!

Gigi said...

Hi Kitties, Just dropping in to say good morning. Or afternoon. Or night. Or Friday or something. Ha ha ha. It's Wednesday night here. I need to learn about time zones!

Clooney said...

Oh oh. I thinks Merlene remembers "the vine"...

unikorna said...

The kitten seems delightfully curious, I'd bite his paws...and pull his whiskers :)). Then smother him with smooches.

yuki and rocket said...

Looks like you really have a lot of love for your towel! It makes good pictures, that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Ha! What a fun series of photos :D Who knew you could have so much fun with a leaf :)

Waggin at ya,

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Yes we have flowers blooming all over the yard and it is way way to early ~~~~~~~

Gigi said...

I've been meaning to ask: Did Merlene get her little self a nip of that leaf--or at least a good whiff???

lupie said...

Thanks Cathy !!!

Heee heheee love ALL the pixs ... but the last one with caption had me laughing off the chair!!! heeheh ManCat ... haaaahha

Anonymous said...

now that is a mancat hooked on vine!!! MOL Savannah