Mommy had been looking around for "Cat Daddy" by Jackson Galaxy but the book has yet to hit the local bookshelves just yet. Then she read about the giveaway by
Allie, Faraday and Maxwell.....
Guess what arrived in the mail recently?
We won the giveaway! |
A copy of Cat Daddy, courtesy of A Tonk's Tail....(err....Tale...) |
And it was AUTOGRAPHED by Jackson Galaxy himself! |
Thank you so much,
Allie, Faraday, Maxwell and Mom Lisa! Mommy is really happy as she loves My Cat From Hell and now she gets to read about how it all started.
Boomer and Felix spying on the squirrels in the garden next door |
Boomer : See, Grandpa? No problem for us (well, ME) to get up and move about on the top perch
How many kitties can you see? |
Boomer and Coco love being on the top perch. Everyone's happy and relax, hanging out at the catio |
This picture makes me laugh. Daddy just got home and they thought he was some monster (he was pulling his luggage and it made horrible rumbling sounds against the driveway) |
Coco : This is how we enter and exit the catio. As you can see, Grandpa made some changes to the original mosquito netting to accommodate an entrance |
We decided to get a large cat tree and have a catio built because of what we learnt from Jackson Galaxy on My Cat From Hell. And we can very quickly see how happy the cats are with the new additions. Boomer will spend almost all day in the catio and as soon as I open the door to their room, he comes charging from the catio to flop at my feet, almost like he's saying thank you. Then off he goes right back to the catio. Meow-Me and Ling are still a little reluctant to go in on their own but once I put them inside, they are okay. I wonder what's up with that?
Now, question. How do I increase Bird and Squirrel TV? The cats can't extend their paws out of the netting so it's very safe for birds and squirrels. What food can I use and what plants can I plant? The weather here is hot and humid...
Boomie, of course I love you. You were the first and only man cat to declare for me. I am happily your girl cat. xox Other man cats say flirty things (and I say flirty things too) but no one except you has ever declared loves for me. Don't worry.
I love the catio and I so enjoyed that your siblings didn't mind my being up on the top shelf with you. They are so kind to me. xo
Mom uses hulled sunflower seed which over here is called Sunflower Hearts. Very clean and no shells to sprout on the ground or to clean up. The squirrels eat whatever is tossed out of the feeder.
See you this afternoon..chick-hen? <3
Katie's suggestions are excellent. Just don't put the bird feeder too close to that catio. The birds will soon realize that the cats cannot get out of their porch. And the squirrels will certainly come if there is food. Love the picture when Daddy got home. Too cute. Have a great day.
It's the going away rumble of luggage we don't like - the coming home kind is good!
We think you have a wonderful place for watching birdies and any passing animals and Daddy pulling his luggage!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Yeah - mom loved the book! And yours is pawtographed....very cool. There is a link on his website to send pictures of catios - you should send in yours!!
Oh the catio looks well cool now. Have a lovely day in it.
Best wises Molly
Tom has not been to the store yet to buy some bed pads for Happy and we are going to try some but Happy just gos now when ever has to no matter where she is!! But we are still going to try them. Thank you so much for your help!!!
Concats on winning the book!
We have no idea about what plants to go with. Bird and squirrel feeders in the vicinity would be fun, though!
That is a terrific book, congrats!
Yay for your wonderful package!!! And what a great book too! Awww enjoy reading it lovely kitties!!
Oooh apart from birdseed and lots of bushes for hidey places - the birds and squirrels love the bird bath with water!!
Take care
My mom got that book too , but she haven´t start reed it yet :)
Me and mom think´s your patio is pawsome !
Congrats on winning! How about putting a bird feeder out or planting sunflower seeds
Your catio is awesome!! We wish we had one here, but since we live on the 8th floor, we don't think Mommy would feel safe no matter how well-constructed it is!
How wonderful you got Cat Daddy's book...and it's autographed!
I love your catio very much. Sounds like Boomer is enjoying a lot :-) We got small enclosure while ago, too...maybe I will post about it in the future. I get "bird food" from a store. I've tried several kinds but seems they like food with sunflower a lot. We have many birds coming and squirrels and chipmonks and rabbits :-)
That is AWESOME! I will have to check that book out! Beautiful flowers!
I really need to break open my wallet and buy the audio book, but I am fearful of the leaky part of the book, everyone who read it said they cried..
That Catigo is sooooo nice and you are so lucky to have it. Katie is right on with the advice for bird TV. We do the same things here. You will love it.
Congratulations on winning the autographed book!
Love love love the catio! So many happy kitties out there!
Try a bird bath and a feeder maybe? Nothing more exciting than birds splashing around in the bath!
Concats on winning Jackson's book. It's really very interesting, hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Love the catio.
It is really inventive and we know all of you are loving it more and more each day.
oooh we love the idea of submitting your catio pics to Jackson!!
YAY! YAY! So glad it arrived!!
Congrats on winning Jackson's book! Our mom still hasn't gotten it yet. She's such a slacker!
We love your catio! We wish we had one!
We love your catio! This is gettin us all excited bout our new house. We is gettin our very own catio! We don't have any problems wif squirrels, they eat any fruit, corn, flower bulbs, and nuts.
Concats on your win! We'd love to read that book, so the mom will have to order it. Maybe there is a Kindle version. That is some signature, too. That catio is so popular, maybe you need another! Ahahaha...
Yo Boomie! What's all this nonsense Katie posted here? I think she musta been all nipped out or something. YES, you should worry!!
Also, I count seven kitties. Is that little Tutu on the lowest level??
Me is just so excited that yous winned! BTW - Right now Coco is in #2 spot for the Artistic High Jump in the Cat-O-Lympics!
Vote now, vote often
Super duper awesome. You got an autographed book. That's like a dream come true. Congratulations, guys!
I wish I would also be able to enter a contest giving away Cesar Millan books. I'm a big fan...Actually, I am also a big fan of Bruce Fogle.
Huggies and Cheese,
can't answer your question but I CAN tell you that you will LOVE that book! I adored it!
Wow, yours was autographed! I received one to review on Cat Chat (which I reviewed a few months ago) and MINE wasn't autographed! Lucky YOU!
Jackson Galaxy is a really knowledgable hooman about us and its awesome to get a signed copy for his book. His advice is invaliable as now Mom also thinking about finding height for me to jump up on.
Boomie, Boomie, Boomie. So, do you REALLY want to have a "Real ManCat" contest with ME, Big Boy??? Huh? Well, all righty then. I say Hairballs at High Noon on Main Street.
Oh yay! You will LOVE it! It's such a great book :)
Your catio is delightful. I am curious, though, why don't you let them run around your garden freely? They'd all come back for sure...Kisses.
Oh I thought you lived in a rural area...That explains your wise idea of preventing them to roam outside..You are the best mommy a kitty might wish for...Kisses and bows :).
Concatulations on winning Jackson's book. It's awesome (and yours has his signature ... COOL!)!
Your catio is marvelous, by the way. We're not sure what kinds of plant you should go with. Maybe a bird feeder would be nice, though. :)
The catio is a great invention ! and grandpa did a very good job ! From my cats only Arthur and Kim are really often outside and check the neighborhood. Pookie likes to stay inside (she is a born inside cat) while Rosie always stays very close to the house. They are all different. Maybe Meow-Me and Ling are like Pookie and prefer to stay inside.
Your catio is so awesome. Look Daddy, look... we want a catio, we want it naio ! NAIO!!!
Nice to meet you all
Harry, Dexter and Tipp
That Catio is great, I'd luv's one of those :)I goes outside though, so I'ms out of luck :(
Paw's Alfie xx
Hi efurrybuddy! Boomie, Did you think I might do sumfing even MORE undignified in my beautiful pink beddy???
Concatz on da book, and Wow!! sure lookz like dat catio iz a Big hit! ^.,^ Headbonkz~ ♥♥xoxo♥♥
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