Saturday, October 13, 2012

Strange Bedfellows

Boomer : Something doesn't feel quite right
Boomer : Get the *hint*, Meow-Me?
Boomer : Maybe I could try to sleep and pretend she isn't there but MY COD, she's heavy!
I think Boomer was lounging in the hammock when Meow-Me decided to crash in (see how Meow-Me is lying on top of Boomer?). Boomer doesn't share his hammock except with his girl, Katie Isabella
Meow-Me : Boomer....I think it's time you leave
*whappity whappity WHAP*
*holds on to side of hammock*
Boomer : It's going to take a lot more than some whappity's to get me out!
I bought some cat grass seed recently and was told they are catnip. I've managed to get them to grow and was just wondering if they are really catnip? Can someone please let me know if it's indeed catnip? Thanks!


Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh my gosh, he really looks like he's clinging to that hammock for dear life! he's NOT giving it up! MOL

Ingrid said...

Too funny these pictures ! hahaha !
If this should be cat grass it doesn't look like grass at all. I have no idea how fresh catnip looks like one thing is sure it's not a canabis plant, lol !

Mollie said...

You guyz crack me up, one of youz is gonna fall out..Not sure about the plant :) BOL xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie

Unknown said...

Well at least it is not weed like the old peeps were growing in my blog this week. BOL. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly.

Katie Isabella said...

Meow-Me, I will be back!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

yep it absolutely looks like catnip to me!

Those photos are just too cute!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine if one flipped the other off the hammock???

brokenteepee said...

Whappity whap indeed.

Mollie said...

Hay guy'z..Some of you are in the gallery tommorow'z xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie

LĂ­via Fernanda (I/O Gatos) said...

Wow, they´re mocking physics, proving that two bodies can occupy the same space at the same time!!! Cats are really nerds!

Cat said...

Your hammock looks great...plenty of room for two :-)

Little Miss Titch said...

just give her a little nip on the tail!

Gigi said...

Ha ha ha--an epic battle for the ages! Well, it doesn't surprise me that Boomie does not share.

Yeppity-yep-yep! It looks just like nip to me!

Tamago said...

LOL Boomer and Meow-Me, you two are so funny! Whappity whappity whap, hahaha!
i think it is catnip. It looks exactly like the catnip I'm growing :-)

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think that hammock is super and mighty comfy looking too!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those look like the leafs on OUR Nip plant, but our leafs are a little pointy. Of course, the true test is in the effects after rubbing and chewing...

Marg said...

I hate to tell you this, but it is time for the second ham-mick. Boomer you are too funny hanging on for dear life. Don't let Meow me get away with that now. That definitely is cat nip. I will get a leaf or two off of our plant and take a picture and send it to you.

GLOGIRLY said...

Bommer, you better find out if there is a weight threshold on that hammick!
; ) Katie

CATachresis said...

Boomer one of you needs to lose a few pounds .. know what I’m saying ;)

BeadedTail said...

We think Grandma needs to get started on another ham-mick! We've never had real catnip before so we don't know what it looks like.

The Island Cats said...

Good thing that hammick has heavy duty hooks there...otherwise, Boomer might go BOOM! Heh heh!

And yeah, that sure looks like catnip to us. YUM!!!

Unknown said...

Yous two looks pretty sweet! And that sure looks like nommy baby catnip to mes!

Dachshund Nola said...

LOL the one where he's clinging to the hammock!

haopee said...

What's a cat grass? Is that something similar to catnip?

I'm sorry to hear you're so overburdened Boomer. ^^

Huggies and Cheese,


Hannah and Lucy said...

What fun you'll have sharing your hammock when you've had a sniff or two of nip!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

A Tonk's Tail said...

BOOMER! Way to go buddy! You hang on there! You were there first and possession is 9/10 of the law. That is, unless you're Allie. *grumble*

HEY, CATNIP! (yep, sure looks like it to us!)

Kat said...

Oh Boomer we feel for you! Ash is always stealing *my* (Sherlock) spot!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Tushie to tushie smooshies, hehe!


Oui Oui said...

Our mom could sit on her kitty Lumpy and he still wouldn't move, he was so stubborn. Catnip has square stalks, so that is one easy way to tell.

We are posting about the award you gave us now. Thanks again!

Just Mags said...

You two are just so funny. Boomer you were doing some good hanging on...we think you all need more hammocks. hugs and nose kisses

Willow said...

That hammick is prime comfy spot no wonder you both wanted it and were willing to "share". Maybe you give kitty kisses to Grandma for a second one in the catio.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Boomer and Meow-Me,
Hmmm....sharing is caring? Neh...I'd do the whappity whack too. purrr...meow!

Anonymous said...

Boomer! What a grip you have my man! Pawsome! Hang in there (no pun)...heh...heh

Anonymous said...

Well if they had to mix up your seeds...lucky you all :)

Guess you guys are learnin to share BOL! Too funny. Mom and I could sit and watch y'all's antics for hours :)

Waggin at ya,

Anonymous said...

I was searching the word 'Catnip' on Google and found your post.

The plant looks like Nepeta cataria. Do u have the latest photo of this plant? It grows well?