Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Boomer!

We are a day late in celebrating Boomer's 2nd Gotcha Day but he didn't mind! Boomer's an easy going Mancat!

Boomer : I received a brand new Silvervine P-Low! Can you tell I'm really happy? :p
Boomer : I love, LOVE LOVE my new pillow!
Boomer : Oh it smells SOOOOOOO good!
Boomer : I received a brand new box too!
Boomer : AND a new feather! But the best present of all.....
even if it isn't *new*, is my VERY OWN playmate!
Tutu : OW! I know you're excited and all, but watch it!
Boomer : Tutu and I are the only ones with no blood furbling among us kitties
(Cosmo and Ling are brother / sister, Meow-Me, Coco and Felix are mama / daughter / son)
Boomer : We have so much fun together!
Boomer : We even play with the Turbo Track together
Boomer : I am so grateful to have my very own family! And Katie Isabella, the most beautiful Ladycat in the world!


Pretinha said...

Feliz gotcha dia Boomer! Fico feliz que você tenha encontrado uma família amorosa com muitos irmãos e irmãs para jogar.

Anonymous said...

Happy gotcha day Boomer!! Hope you had a good one and got some extra treats!

Unknown said...

Happy Gotcha Day Boomer. Look at all the stuffs you got and play time with Tutu too. Hope it was a pawsome day. Have a marvelous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Marg said...

Happy Gotcha day Boomer. That last picture of you is terrific. Glad you and Tutu are such good friends. Have a great gotcha day.

Everycat said...

Happy Gotcha Day Boomer, sorry it's a day late. We hope you had a splendid day. Our ape says you are a most handsome mancat!

Gerry & Mungo

Hannah and Lucy said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Boomer - we hope you have a happy day playing on your turbo track with Tu-tu. We're sure you will get kisses from Katie.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Boomer! We see you had a fabulous celebration, with such terrific presents! :-)

meowmeowmans said...

Happy birthday, Boomer! It looks like a great day of celebrating and enjoying your awesome life there. Wishing you many, many more happy birthdays ahead. :) Hugs!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Gotcha Day Boomer!!! You sure are having a big time!

Annie Bear said...

Awww...happy Gotcha, Boomer! Wow, it's been two years already! You got a lot of great gifts and a fun friend to play with. Sounds like a wonderful life. You got a great family and home. Both you and your mommy are lucky. :)

Kay said...

Happy gotcha day Boomer! You truly deserve a dedicated servant for life!!

Mollie said...

A big Happy Gotcha day Boomer.. I love your new toy and the feather and the box :)So nice you and Tutu have fun playing xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

brokenteepee said...

Happy Gotcha Day Boomer - you look a little wild eyed there. Better watch that 'vine

Random Felines said...

Happy Gotcha Day Boomer!!! Looks like it was quite a party.....

Unknown said...

What a happy fun time you are having with all your gifts...It is so nice to have a playmate too...
Kitty XO

Katie Isabella said...

Congratulations on your second Gotcha Day Boomie. Mommy said she remembers your story right from the start. You always have made her smile and she loves you too.

Thank you for remembering me on this exciting day dearest Boomie. And I am also grateful that you have Tutu and that she has you. You are as close as an blood furbling can be and we here at this house love that.

All our love and lots of kisses dearest Boomie (abd Tutu too)

Tamago said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Boomer! How nice you got all the fun presents. And you are right, your very own family is the best present of all!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Happy Boomer Day!!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Happy Gotcha day Boomer. You are truly blessed!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...we iz knot a loud on line on de week oh endz sew happee bee lated gotcha day N heerz ta 200 bazillion mor...hope ewe enjoyed yur day, had lotz oh fun N we hope ya getted a FURRARRREZ carz, sum cat grazz, trout, flounder, sghetti, pizzza pies, mackerull, sea bass, pork chops, fish sticz, a new cat tree witha full lee stocked frigeratorz attached, sum ham samiches, cake, donuts, white fish, burgerz, herring, snapper, sole and friez !!! glad ya hada fun day N way awesum on gettin de silvervine pillow !!!

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Gotcha Day!! We love our silvervine pillows!!

Thanks for coming to Ellie and Allie's birthday bash! We hope you had a good time!

The Florida Furkids

Little Miss Titch said...

Happy Gotcha Day Boomer!looks like you had lots of fun!xx Speedy


Boomer a very happy Gotcha to you and you did have a fantastic day and we loved all the good things you had to celebrate with!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Boomer! I'm so glad you got such a wonderful family who loves you oh so much :)

Photo Cache said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Boomer. You sure seemed to have been spoilt rotten with toys and such.

Emma and Buster

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Boomer...OMCs you are one fine looking feline specimen too!!
Hugs Madi your BFFF

BeadedTail said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Boomer! Looks like you're having a pawesome day!

RedSetter said...

Happy gotcha Boomer you look like you've had a brilliant day with your presents and playmate.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy gotcha day Boomer! We're so glad you got gotted!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Boomer! You got some great presents to celebrate your special day!!

Dachshund Nola said...

Happy Gotcha day!

Oskar said...

Happy Gotcha Day Boomer! It looks like you got lot's of great kitty loot.

Nubbin wiggles,

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Boomer !!!!!
We can see you got a super fun toy and are enjoying it lots !
Looks like you and Tutu had a bit of "fun" too:) heehee
Have a fun,fun day and be sure to get spoiled :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Gotcha Day to you Boomer!!!! You are a lucky mancat!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha day to you Boomer~!!
I can see you have a great party! That's terrific!!

Oui Oui said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Boomer! How thoughtful it was for your mom to get your very own, never-been-soggy-before new silvervine pillow! And concats on a fine and fun family. Best wishes for many fun filled years!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy Gotcha Day Boomer! Looks like ya got some good prezzies and had a real fun day too.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day Boomer! ^..^ you sure look like you havin lotza fun, we especially likez da picture ov you wif da big orangee fevver. You furry lucky boy you gotz da Bestest home and family ^.,^

Lotza Headbonkz & Purrz~ ♥xoxo♥

Purrfect Haven said...

happy gotcha day! and we love the shot with the bright red feather! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

HAPPY HAPPY GOTCHA DAY BOOMER!!!! You are sooo adorable! Hope you had a great day!

Charliepuss said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Boomer. They are the best days! Have fun chasing Tutu. I love the photo of you carrying your new feather.

Kitties Blue said...

That was one pawsome Gotcha Day. Fun from beginning to end. It is so wonderful to have a playmate as well. Concatulations, Boomer, on you very special day. We love the photo of you with the feather. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

Marilia said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY Boomer!!!!!!!!!!

CATachresis said...

Nearly missed it!! Happy second gotcha day Boomer. You are one very happy kitty to have so much love in your life ... even with Tutu mol Love Austin xx said...

That's a lot to celebrate! Happy days.

Willow said...

Happy Birthday Boomer you got great presents especially Tutu your little sister to play with everything.

Gigi said...

Well, happy Gotcha Day #2, but I'm not SOOOOOO sure about the "gotcha-ing" Katie Isabella part....huh. We'll see.

Hello Beauteous, exciting Tutu. Sooooooo nice to see you again!

Ingrid said...

Happy gotcha day Boomer ! What a nice gift you got ! My cats must have the nose congested because nobody is interested in silvervine !

Clooney said...

Happy Gotcha Day buddy! Wow, you are such a lucky kitty to have such a wonderful home and Mommy and a great playmate like Tutu and the beautiful Ladycat Katie Isabella! And they are lucky to have your awesomeness as well! Great post!

Sushi said...

Happy gotcha day, boomskie? =)

Smile With Your Tail said...

Happy Gotcha day (ok its a bit belated now buut..)


Unknown said...

Dear Boomer,
Not only was YOUR Mommy late, but my Mommy was later..we is still catching up from last weekend!
But me will sing anyway!
*•.¸¸Happy Gottcha Day to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*
¨*•♫♪ Happy Gottcha Day to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Gottcha Day Dear Boomer!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Gottcha Day to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸

Petronela said...

Boomer seems to like Tutu more than...usual :)...Tutu is a young lady now, she is having suitors :).

Unknown said...

I am really late, Boomer, but I want to wish you a happy Gotcha Day anyway!

haopee said...

Happy second gotcha day to you Boomer. You are one lucky kitty... So I'm not sure if the 2nd pertains to the late date or to the 2nd gotcha day... LOL.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Wish you a furry belated HAPPY 2nd GOTCHA DAY , BOOMER !