Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tutu Tuesday

* grumble grumble grumble *
Tutu : Look at how wet my furs are!
Tutu : The water has messed up all my furs!
Tutu : Finally! I think I'm almost done putting all my furs on my legs back in place...
Tutu : Good COD! Look at the mess back here!
Tutu : Mommy, I really can't believe you did that to me. I thought you loved me
Tutu : Dang. Between my toes too?  When will this end!
Tutu : I'm not giving you any love biteys this week, Mommy
Tutu has been chewing and barbering two spots for weeks now. I wasn't sure if she had fleas (highly unlikely but it's tough trying to find a flea in her dark furs) that caused an allergy. So, after taking weeks to prepare myself to be mauled by her in the bath (I try to avoid using flea treatments where possible), I finally gave her a bath last Friday and was relieved when she didn't seem to mind the bath (no crying, no fighting, no nothing).  Surprised?  :)
Tutu : Ohhhh. This smells delicious! Tastes really good too!
Tutu : What is it, Mommy?
Mommy : It's Coconut Oil
Tutu : Oh. What is it for?
Mommy : To help with the itchy spots
Tutu : So why did i need the bath!
Mommy : Er...well, I only saw Star's post the day after your bath. Sorry! 
I read about how Coconut Oil helped Star's skin condition, so I decided to give it a try on Tutu. Despite the oil smelling coconuty, Tutu LOVED it. She gets 1 teaspoon a day
These are the two spots at the start of the Coconut Oil treatment (Saturday, April 13)
PS/ I applied some oil on the spots and Cosmo licked it off!
The Coconut Oil I'm using on Tutu. Day 4 and her furs seem to be softer and more silky. She's also not bothering her bald spots very much now. Does it mean it's working? I sure hope so as coconut oil has many other benefits!
Our prayers go out to the people of Boston affected by the senseless bombing at the site of the 2013 Boston Marathon.


Sandra said...

Don't you look dashing now, Tutu? It was all worth it in the end :) Or maybe not...?

My Lia "attacked" the fur on her tigh twice and we were told it was probably because of food allergies. We gave her some baths, hypoalergenic food and she seems to be doing fine. I will try the coconut oil though. I can't hurt.

Charliepuss said...

Baths are vewy vewy bad!


Mickey's Musings said...

A bath??? Yikes! At least you got a good treat!
Now you look even more lovely ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Unknown said...

OMD yikes a bath. Poor Tutu! We hope the coconut oil does the trick. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Cats Herd You said...

A BATH! Tutu, we don't blame you for making the disgusted face. Baths don't require water, but humans get strange ideas. You look beautiful as usual now that you're all groomed again.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Tutu how naughty of your Mommy to wet your pretty furs - we realise it may take days for you to get them just purrfect again. Let's hope the coconut oil will stop you getting any more bald spots.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Katie Isabella said...

Tutu darling girl...apple of my moms eye aside from me of course...I will be watching to see how y ou do.

Marg said...

Oh Tutu. you do look so very pretty all clean. You did such a good job getting those furs all straight. Hope that helps your itchies. The coconut oil sounds like a great idea. Take care.

Random Felines said...

oh good heavens - a bath???? hope the oil works so you can avoid the bath thing in the future. :)

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwww!! Lovely Tutu!! We hope the oil is working!!! Hope you get lots of treats for being so good about your bath! Yay!! take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

Tutu, we can't believe you didn't tear your human limb from limb in the bath. Seriously.

We sure hope the coconut oil helps! Our human used to eat a bit every day, mixed with some cinnamon and raw honey to make it palatable, but gave up after a few months. Now she's thinking she needs to buy more and see if WE will eat it!

Annie Bear said...

Tutu, I hope the coconut oil works. Wouldn't that be great? You love it and you wouldn't need any more baths. I don't think anything could make your pretty furs any prettier. What a good girl you were when your mommy was bathing you. I'm sure you'll find plenty of fun ways to get her back.

brokenteepee said...

You do look a bit the drowned rat there TuTu. I hope the coconut oil works

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yikes! Those real water baths are no fun!!!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

oh no! not the BATH!!

Marilia said...

Tutu, although the bath mom is thinking about you. She loves you!
A little secret: we hate baths!

Tamago said...

It's great coconut oil seems to be working! I hope itchy will go away.
I'm very impressed Tutu did not mind bath. When we tried to give Niko a bath, he freaked out and big chaos followed!

Ingrid said...

Tutu how did she dare to give you a bath and you behaved so good. The next bath will be more difficult because now you know ! My Lisa, the same cat type had the same and got a shot from the vet. It then disappeared but sometimes came back especially when she was over 15 and mostly when it was hot !

Little Miss Titch said...

but now you look even more gorgeous if thats possible!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

tutu...we iz coco nut oil users heer two!!!! me...tuna...eatz it rite off de spoon :)!!! pea ess....lookin good two we mite add...wink...wink...;)

Katnip Lounge said...

Kona turned her nose up at it, I may try rubbing it directly on her tummy!

Tutu, you do "Disgruntled" so well...

CATachresis said...

I know my mum uses coconut oil. I think I might have to snoopervise next time she gets the jar out!! >^,.^<

You're looking pretty nifty, Tutu xx

BeadedTail said...

A bath? We sure hope our mommy doesn't get any ideas from that! The coconut oil looks interesting though and we hope it continues to help you Tutu! You do look beautiful by the way!

Dachshund Nola said...

A bath? The horror!


Oh we love us some TuTu on Tuesday. We are sorry you had to have a bath TuTu but glad that the coconut oil is working to help the itchies.

The Island Cats said...

Your mom owes you some extra coconut oil after that, Tutu!

Pretinha said...

Tutu você ficou mais bonita ainda.

Oui Oui said...

Coconut oil might help our MMM, at least the unscented kind?? That is our next purrchase.

Gigi said...

My poor poor darling girl. *I* can come over and help you dry out and smooth those silky furs, you know.

Just make sure that Big Lug stays outta my way.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We don't like having bath at all, either~~
But, just once a year~~
I think you are quite brave!! Really, our shower always screaming from the very beginning to the end.

Unknown said...

Baths! Me HATES getting WET!
Mes would has shreaded Mommy!!

Neri said...

I can't be more thrilled that we both have the same cat-face small plate. hehe! Tutu, is coconut oil good for humans too?

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Tutu, you look so pitiful after that bath thing (we don't like bathes either). At least you got a yummy treat to make you feel better.
We hope the coconut oil works so you don't have to do that again.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Mollie said...

A Baff YIKEZ MOL ... We must get some of that Coconut oil. You look lovely and clean Tutu :) xx00xxx

Mollie and Alfie

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Mom keeps meaning to ask the vet about coconut oil for when I have allergies!

Kitties Blue said...

As soon as we started reading, Mommy said, "They need coconut oil." And a few frames later, there it was. Mom says that she is so grateful to all the bloggers who share information that can benefit all of us and our feline companions. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josettte

My Mind's Eye said...

Tutu we did so enjoyed seeing you up close and looking at your very pretty furs. We are glad your itching is better too. Probably something to do with the hot weather.
hugs madi your BFFF

meowmeowmans said...

Yuck! A real bath, with real water ... that does not sound fun at all. Except maybe to our Moosey, who is fascinated by water. We sure hope that coconut oil works out for you. :)

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Tutu, I think the human deserves a bath too ;-)
Enjoy the coconut oil!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Hmmm... I'm not sure how I'd feel 'bout the coconut oil but I can tell you for sure how I'd feel 'bout the bath. No way. No how. Just not gonna happen. May the purrs be with you.


RedSetter said...

Baths make me sweat. My two occasionally need them or a part bath if poopy paws or back ends are involved but rarely do either party escape unscathed!

Glad you've got your furs all back the way you like them, enjoyed your treat and let your spots heal. I'm off to lie in a darkened room till the whole bath thought fades.

Clooney said...

Oh Tutu you are so very cute wet furs and all! (We are glad you didn't really mind the bath!) Coconut oil is great for the furs and for skin conditions. Hope it all clears up with ease.

Henry's human said...

Tutu, Poor baby. What was your mama thinking? A bath?? Goodness. Tomorrow will be much better.

Gigi said...

Have you recovered from your baff yet, my little darling? You can come over here if you'd like a little cuddle and nappy away from the Barbarian.

♥ Sallie said...

Awww. So cute all wet like that. :)


P.S. We are having a book giveaway on our blog this week. If you are interested, stop by!

Unknown said...

You look clean and shiny and must smell great too!

Anonymous said...

Coconut oil - who'd a thunk? Sure hope it does the trick for ya Tutu. You really like baths? Butt you're a cat - I don't like baths and I'm a dog - maybe you're really a dog and I'm really a cat ;P

Waggin at ya,

Just Mags said...

Sweet Tutu we hope after all that drying and treatment the spots go away and you will be doing great. Sorry you had to do all that drying and grooming but you look so nice and fluffy. You did a super job sweet girl. Hugs and nose kisses

Gigi said...

Hello my little darling, Why yes, the Furrari DOES cross the ocean. Are you wanting a Furrari ride??? Cause you know Spitty'd be happy to oblige ;-) XOXOXOX

A Tonl said...

okay we're going to go make the mommy read up on coconut oil and its benefits now!

A Tonl said...

Pee Ess, we think you were VERY tolerant Tutu. SOMEkitties over here *cough*Faraday*cough* would NOT be.

Gigi said...

I never had a water baff Tutu--was it really not so bad? I can't believe you would tolerate such a thing!

haopee said...

Coconut oil eh? We used Canola oil this morning to cook the eggs to make it healthier...

You have fleas? Oh dear, I hope not.

Smudge said...

Say, my mom and dad have also recently discovered the many possible uses and benefits of coconut oil. They've yet to try it on me, though. Baths aren't all that bad now, are they? I fared better than dad expected during my most recent one, though I sure let him know I wasn't too happy.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Sometimes the getting dry is worse than the getting wet part!

Gigi said...

Hey, Tutu! Wanna come over and bring me a sample of that coconut oil? I have some treats XOXOXO