Monday, November 8, 2010

A Walk In The Park

We brought Whisky for a walk at the dog friendly park on a lovely cool windy Sunday.  We had such a lovely time and can't wait to do it again!  We're hoping to make this a weekly affair.....

Here we go!  Lallaaalaa diidii dumm dumm.... sure is windy today!  Heh heh....

Uh.....Mummy!  HELP!  It's REALLY WINDY!

Hello!?  I'm waiting for Mummy and Daddy to finish their lunch.

I'm so tired......I wanna go home.


Mr Puddy said...

Whisky, you look really cute ! and I like your hair cut : )

Admiral Hestorb said...

Whisppy, you are ADORABLE and I am a KITTY! I love your pretty face and eyes and my goodness, it WAS windy, wasn't it? I'm so glad you had a good time, sweet one.

Paul said...

My dear Pumpy is really the cutest doggy in the whole wide world. :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure do have the nicest furs!!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Thank you for your nice words about Lucy - she has seen the vet again today and had another injection but needn't go back again unless she is ill again.
We love your furs they would look great if you were the figure head on a boat sailing across the ocean.

Katnip Lounge said...

Thank goodness you didn't have an umbrella, you would have "whisked" away!

Ellen Whyte said...

Sounds nice. Do I detect the planks of a nice coffeeshop???

Ingrid said...

Aaww ! I melt ! such a cutie and sooooo white, lol !