Last night Cosmo and Ling were sitting at the table top that overlooks the back alley, minding their own business, and this new male cat turns up (he started appearing about 3 weeks ago). Cosmo started to shout which got Ling all upset so she started to shout too. So I grabbed Cosmo and yelled for Hubby to grab Ling and we put them in separate rooms. And Whisky in another room. Then I got busy.
Out came the trap and the cans of stinky goodness. I set up the trap with Mr Cat watching my every move. When I was done, I went back into the house and waited. Mr Cat was STARVING coz it took less than 5 minutes before he was caught! Hubby came to help me put the cat into the carrier and then I set the trap again (just for fun) and 10 minutes later, "clink" went the trap. ANOTHER CAT! I couldn't believe my eyes so I set up the trap again. 30 minutes later, "clink, MEW" and I looked at Hubby in disbelief! Really? So now we had 3 strange cats in the house (but NO Mr Black - though he did turn up to sniff at the tuna but ran off when he recognised the trap. We'll have to work out a plan to catch him with the net)...
Hey! Let me out! |
This is Mr Cat aka Mr Stumps (cat #1) who has a limp. Turns out he has no toes on his left hind paw, either from an accident or in the hands of a demented human. The injury has healed completely and there's some muscle wastage which makes the vet think the injury could be a year old |
Here is another view of the toe-less paw compared to his normal paw (it looks like he's just curled his toes down, doesn't it?) |
Hungry hungry Mr Stumps! He had a good appetite but is still very woozy from the sedation so we will keep him for the night before releasing him. He went to straight to sleep after dinner. He is a very large cat but rather underweight at the moment |
This was Cat #2. We released him after the vet confirmed he was a castrated male. Oops...heehee. He showed his disgust and anger by shredding the stack of newspapers I had placed in the carrier. Sorry Mr Tabby! |
Cat #3 was very friendly so we checked it out. We think it's a spayed female and someone's pet because she's very clean and friendly. We released her that same night |
Ideally, Mr Stumps should be an indoors only cat as being a 3 legged stray can be very tough and challenging. If anyone would like to give Mr Stumps a home, or know someone who might, please get in touch with me. Although we'll be releasing him tomorrow, I plan to feed him so hopefully he'll trust me enough to let me get close enough to monitor his well being.