Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stray Cat Mission Part 2

Mr White Stray's neutering procedure went smoothly and he is now recovering in Boomer's cage.  He is eating up a storm and basically doing very well.  He allows me to pet him and even to hold his food bowl while he eats. But I'm pretty sure he'll stay away once I release him.  I plan to release him after breakfast tomorrow.

This tuna is yummy!
Last night, I sat by the back door, hoping to trap the black stray.  After several hours, he walked right into the trap and he was in custody.  But's a black cat, but I didn't think it was the RIGHT black cat.  I brought him out to the porch, scruffed him to get a better look and got hubby to help with the identification and even he felt it was the wrong cat.  Since we already had him in the carrier, we decided to keep him overnight and get the vet to confirm it in the morning.  So off we went to the vet and he confirmed it was a castrated male.  Ooopss.  Heehee.

I am a castrated male, you crazy woman!  Let me go!
I brought him back to release him at the spot where I trapped him and spotted a white cat sitting forlornly by the side of the road, a few houses away.  After apologising and releasing Mr Black, I went back to check on the white cat and it was still there.  So I parked the car, got the towel and carrier, went over and picked him up (I got lucky, I suppose) and went back to the vet.  It's an intact male, flea infested (so rather anaemic), very thin, has mange, no teeth except for his canines and dehydrated.

I have potential to be a very handsome cat (see my floofy tail?)
The vet said it was okay to neuter him (and treat the mange) so the surgery went ahead.  The vet just called to say the surgery went well, they will keep him overnight with IV drips and I'll pick him up tomorrow morning to release him back at his spot.

As for the mange, thank you, Lucy for your link.  It had a lot of helpful advice. The vet said that 2 jabs of ivermectin 2 weeks apart will normally fix the problem.  However, if it's not possible to recapture the stray, 1 jab is better than none (it only kills the adults so the second jab is to kill the newly hatched adults).

I am still trying to capture the RIGHT black stray.

When can I go outside again?


Admiral Hestorb said...

My mom sees you and your husband as thje angels you are. They are so lucky to have been noticed by you. They are alone, miserable, forlorn, and they are innocents. They are grateful.

Finn said...

Aw, look at the white cat. He does have a lot of potential in the looks department! You're doing some good deeds!!

Remington said...

God bless you for all you do for the poor stray animals....the world needs more people like you!

Berts Blog said...

My Vickie would like to send a donation to help pay for the little ones.

can you email her with an address to send it to.


The Island Cats said...

We think it is absolutely wonderful that you are trapping these cats and having them fixed and treated!! Of course, we think that black cat you trapped doesn't think so...hehehe!!

unikorna said...

I deeply admire your dedication. I know it must be very hard sometimes so "Chapeau Bas!" to you. Kisses.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thank you for helping those that really need help!

Unknown said...

Your motto sums it up perfectly: Saving one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a world of difference to that one animal...
Had to giggle at the Black Cat though.. methinks he was not amused...!!

Annie Bear said...

You have been seriously busy! I'm so glad that link helped. It's so wonderful that you're helping these kitties. I so wish they could have safe indoor homes. The poor kitty that you found with no teeth and dehydrated. :(

Many blessings to you for what you're doing!!!

Cory said...

Oh my goodness we can tell those kitties will be gorgeous once they get all fixed up and healthy. Big major purrs to you for all you are doing for these sweethearts.

Gigi said...

Bless you for caring for these feral boys. They may not show you their gratitude (well, Whitey may get fond of you!) but you are doing the work of the angels for them.

Willow said...

Yay for another successful capture and neuter and it does work as other black cat was in much better health than his bethren that are whole. Purring for good luck towards the mission.

BeadedTail said...

You are truly an angel on earth for the help you are giving these poor kitties! We don't think the black kitty will agree but he's thankful you are watching over him anyway! :) We're purring for the kitties!

Quill and Greyson said...

It's like they are lining up at your place! You rock!

Barbara said...

What lucky cats these are to have you on their side. The bit about catnapping the wrong black cat did make me laugh - he does not look impressed!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We can see that your are keeping your vet busy with your homeless cats and what a difference you are making to those sweet kitties.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Ingrid said...

A little mistake can happen when you do such a wonderful job !!

Angela said...

Wow! Super!

Анжела Донава

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Thank you for all you do for the poor babies that can not help them self. I wish we had lots of green papers to do more for the strays around here. If I had the money I would have 4 cats and 4 dogs and a maid!!!!!!!
Thanks for your visit!!
xx, Fern & Tinker

Ten-the-Cat said...

U r a truly a Cat-angel !
(even if tried to "save" one that has already been "saved")

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor little thing. I hope it all goes well. Maybe if he's cleaner people will take care of him more - at least, that's what I see with our tribe of real cats. Now that they are clean looking, people give them leftovers. I don't get that.....

Hey, we're Having A Competition! Check out and please pass it along to other cat lovers.

Tamago said...

You do such wonderful thing for these fur babies. They need people like you.

neri said...

good to hear that the mission is going quite well :) the black one is a cutie!

Clooney said...

It is wonderful for you to help all these kitties out. Purrs to them all for their health and for them to find some peace and comfort in their daily routines.