Monday, October 15, 2012

Four Kitties And A Box

Felix : Like my tocks? Heh heh
Tutu : SMELL this! Do you think it smells like I was just digging in the litter box?
Felix : GAHHHHH!
Felix : S U R P R I S E !!!
Coco : Eeeeek!
Tutu : Wanna see who is more graceful jumping into the box?
Boomer : Sure! Babies first
Tutu : *runs real fast.......JUMP!*
Boomer : You call that graceful with your back legs splayed?
Look at me! Legs together and JUMP!


Cory said...

Nothing better than happy kitties flying into a box!!!!!

Small Town Mommy said...

They are having so much fun. I can never bring myself to throw out boxes because the kitties love them.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You always have the best action photos! I love the tocks in a box!

Hannah and Lucy said...

There is nothing finer than a parcel arriving in a box - has any cat bothered to undo the parcel yet!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Remington said...

You certainly know how to have fun! Great shots!

Marg said...

Tutu, we think you were the best jumper. Sorry Boomer. Again, those are such great pictures. All of you are good jumpers and the tocks are just purrfect. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I am impressed with these jumping skillz!!! Have a great Monday!

Old Kitty said...

Yay!! You are all having such fun with the box!!! Great action shots!! Take care

Unknown said...

So much fun with a box. Have a lovely Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Cat-from-Sydney said...

This is like watching the diving competition at the Olympics. Hmm...Felix 10, Tutu 7, Cosmo 8....where's Boomer? purrr....meow!

brokenteepee said...

Around here we call the box pile "kitty city."

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I really really miss you guys.
Tom says when we can afford it we will get a kitten or maybe two!!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

such fun! said...

So cute! Great action shots.
Thanks for the smiles.

Katie Isabella said...

Boomie, that was true olympic form. You would have gotten a 10 for that! Legs together perfectly. Tutu will improve in a short time. She did very well. 9.8.

Tutu, you are so naughty. Felix, you have great ability to shrug off bratty girls. And those tocks? Prize worthy! xoxoxo

Little Miss Titch said...

kitties and boxes much like bunnies and boxes

Pretinha said...

Nós também adoramos caixas. Félix que susto você deu em Coco, acho que ela ainda está correndo. Boomer belo salto, mas Tutu você tem um estilo só seu.

BeadedTail said...

Great action shots with that box! You are always such active kitties. We are so the opposite.

The Florida Furkids said...

Boxes are wonderful....we can keep busy for hours when we have a good box!!

The Florida Furkids

Photo Cache said...

tutu is all grown up so cute too. glad he's all okay.

emma and buster

GTnCo said...

MOL those are awesome action shots!

Mollie said...

I don't know how your Humans get such great shot's of you guy's. You are all superstars.. The rest of your spooks are up this week :) xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Wow, those are the best jumping into boxes pictures ever!

A Tonl said...

BWAA-HAA-HAAAA! Tutu, we betcha those paws STINK! MOL!!

Was that a "trick or treat, smell my feet" moment?



Your action pictures are just plain fabulous.

✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

Tamago said...

What fun and cute photos! Everyone is having fun with the box :-)
Boomer, that's very impressive jump with your legs together!

Anonymous said...

oh, Boomer could be a dive champion...look at his leg control...purrfect! What fun, four kitties and a box!

Annie Bear said...

LOL!! You guys always have so much fun and I always enjoying seeing your pictures of you all having fun. Wow! Full frontal tocks! Love the jumping-in-the-box contest!

Oui Oui said...

Excellent form! Excellent photos! Could you give our pathetic mom some lessons? PLEASE?

Gigi said...

All right Boomie. I hardly efur say anything really NICE to you, but I can't help it today: That is really EXCELLENT box-leaping form you got going on there. Too bad that skeery box might EAT YOU UP!!!

The Island Cats said...

Excellent action shots! That box sure is getting a workout!!

Unknown said...

What most excellent toc shots for toc tober! and me is a tad jealous that yous has such a stupendous box!

yuki and rocket said...

That box looks like so much fun, it looks a little tasty to chew on as well!

yuki and rocket

Anonymous said...

Ha! Such a simple thing that gives so much enjoyment :)

Waggin at ya,

CATachresis said...

Boomer you are the undoubted superchamp of the box diving. Beautiful form and perfect execution!!! Taking notes here ;)

Mollie said...

Your up guy'z xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie

Petronela said...

They all have such a fascination towards boxes :). I am sure my Mister Miaw would have loved to join, but only after some threatening towards lovely Boomer. He is so jealous of other beautiful tomcats.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

this makes me wish that Cody had another kitty to play with. He would have a blast!

Gattina said...

Hahaha ! these pictures don't need any words, they are soooo funny !

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

What Excellentae Action photoz!! ^.,^
Da mom jus LUVZ watching you All fly thru da air ;))

and baby Tutu you are just Adorable ♥♥xoxoxox

Marilia said...

Boxes, the best place ever!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, what a great box! And you kittehs really know how to have fun in it! :)

m.q said...

you guys look so happy playing together. can we join???

BoBo Salem, ChaCha, Kochie, Oren, Miss Sachi, Damak Dimetrius, Kaput and the newest but not the youngest--> Patrick Star
Meow Meow Family

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, you guys found a GREAT box! And it sure looks a lot bigger from the inside...